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جراحة ريلاكس سمايل

Relex smile in Turkey, offered by Cayra Clinic, is a minimally invasive refractive surgical procedure on the eye that uses a laser and does not require corneal opening. This procedure can correct myopia refractive disorders and astigmatism, reducing the dependence on glasses and contact lenses and improving the quality of life. It is particularly suitable for patients with high myopia, dry eyes, contact lens wearers, and thinner corneas. With a higher level of precision and accuracy compared to general LASIK, Relex smile is a newer type of laser vision correction procedure that boasts better post-procedure comfort than that of LASIK. Contact Cayra Clinic in Turkey to learn more about Relex smile and whether it may be right for you.

What Are The Features Of Relex Smile In Turkey?

  • Minimal invasive: As compared to lasik, corneal incision in relex smile in Turkey is 80% smaller. A 20mm incision is required for making flaps on lasik, but with relex® smile, the corneal incision is only 4mm.
  • Bladeless: Surgery for relex smile in Turkey is bladeless since relex® smile uses visumax so the process and the healing phase is faster.
  • Painless: Because the relex smile in Turkey does not require an opening in the cornea and is a minimally invasive procedure so the patient feels more comfortable and does not experience any pain.
  • Flapless: There will be no complications associated with the flap, such as a shifted or wrinkled flap.
  • Maintaining the corneal structure: Because there is no flap, the structure of the upper cornea is not touched so that the cornea is more stable.
  • Reducing the risk of dry eyes after surgery: Reducing dry eyes after surgery because there are no adjustment on the structure of the upper cornea.
  • Night vision: Reducing optical aberration that occurs because there are no flaps on relex smile in Turkey.

What Conditions Must I Meet Before Undergoing Relex Smile In Turkey?

A comprehensive pre-screening for relex smile in Turkey is done to determine if you are a suitable candidate for relex smile in Turkey. Here are some conditions relex smile in Turkey which include:

  • Patients must be 18 years or older.
  • Healthy eye condition.
  • Have stable vision (glasses’ degree in the last 6 months to 1 year doesn’t change)
  • Not breastfeeding or pregnant.
  • Has no corneal diseases, significant retinal degeneration, severe eye dryness etc.
  • Do not have systemic diseases that affect eye conditions such as, lupus, diabetes mellitus with uncontrolled sugar levels etc.
  • If you use soft lens, avoid wearing it for at least 2 weeks.
  • If you use the hard lens, avoid wearing it for at least 3 weeks.

Is Relex Smile In Turkey Painful?

This is probably one of the top relex smile in Turkey’s frequently asked questions that people always ask and for a good reason too! Laser might be a scary thing to us considering how the big screens popularize its use for galactic space wars and swords that can cut through anything. But worry not! Contrarily to what is commercialized in the entertainment industry, the laser for relex smile is painless and invisible to the eye. In fact, what’s posing the real challenge here is the anxiety that one may face before the operation. All laser vision correction surgeries which includes smile will involve the use of anesthetic during the procedure. So, the eyes will be numbed throughout the relex smile in Turkey procedure. The anesthesia effect will also reduce the urge of wanting to blink the eyes.

How Safe Is Relex Smile In Turkey?

The relex smile in Turkey procedure is safe. It’s an FDA approved procedure. Besides, the patients will also be given heads up on the expectations and precaution. During the procedure, patient’s eyes will be given eye drops to numb them. This will reduce discomfort as well as the natural urge to blink. The laser machine will also have eye tracking system in place to buffer the changes to any motion to the patient’s eyes or head.

What Is Age Limit For Relex Smile In Turkey?

You need to be between 22 years and 45 years old of age before you can opt in for relex smile in Turkey. This is because in this range, the prescription of the eye is considerably stable. So, it is best to do your relex smile procedure when you’re young so you get to enjoy a longer period of time with clearer vision. This is because when old age sets in, it may bring in other problems like cataract, macular degeneration and presbyopia (old sight). There are also other factors that would need to be considered other than age. Conditions like glaucoma, keratoconus, or if the patient is breastfeeding will make them not suitable despite they fall in the eligible age range.

Are There Complications For Relex Smile In Turkey?

The risk of complications is extremely rare because of our high quality and hygiene standards at Cayra Clinic in Turkey. To ensure the best healing results it is extremely important that the patient comes to the follow-up examinations and follows the advice and instructions received from us after the treatment. The rare side effects that can occur with laser vision correction are typically only temporary, harmless and fully treatable.

What Is Relex Smile Prices In Turkey?

There is a lot of eye clinics in Turkey and one of them is Cayra Clinic. Cayra Clinic provides the highest quality service with eye surgeons very reasonable prices. Relex smile in Turkey’s cost is around 1900 – 2500 Euros. But in Europe price of relex smile can go up to 4-6 times. Also this price is all inclusive in Turkey.

How Long Does The Recovery Process Take After Relex Smile In Turkey?

This is very subjective and depends on the situation of each patient but in general:

  • About the first 2-3 hours after relex smile in Turkey, your vision will be slightly foggy and you will feel uncomfortable.
  • Within 24 hours, the patient can enjoy sharp eyesight which is far better than when he was wearing glasses, but there are still side effects such as dryness and glare.
  • The first week is clearer but still a little less stable.
  • The second week and then the vision will be clearer until the patient can enjoy better vision without glasses.

How Long Will Relex Smile In Turkey Results Last?

One of the most important things that we do when we treat patients, is to make sure that their prescription is stable. Because when patients ask how long is my laser eye surgery going to work, the effect of the relex smile in Turkey on the eye is permanent.

Is Relex Smile In Turkey Better Than Lasik?

In this comparison of relex smile in Turkey vs Lasik, we get to see several obvious differences between the two such as the creation of flap, treatment that they can cover and so on. One of the main advantage that smile technique has over lasik is the avoidance of flap complications. So, when it comes to correcting short-sightedness, smile procedure stands on a higher ground. But, lasik has its long history in the market. relex smile in Turkey is less heard off and there are more eye surgeons that specialize in Lasik. FDA approves zeiss visumax laser to be used for smile technique eye surgery. Relex smile is also a registered trademark of carl zeiss meditec. In other words, it’s easier to find eye centres that cover lasik than smile treatment. However, we are on set to see a change in this in the mere future as more and more people get to know about smile and more satisfied patients coming forward with their testimony.

We can’t exactly say which one is particularly better since they both are not exactly the same. Ultimately, the choice of surgery depends on different individuals and their suitability for either procedure. Get your consultation with us today and get a better insight into what is best for you! So, get your consultation with us today at Cayra Clinic in Turkey and get a better insight on what is the best for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the relex smile in Turkey procedure?

  • Step 1: Visumax makes refractive lenticules (thin corneal tissue shaped like a lens) on the basis of the inner layer of the cornea and formed a 4 mm corneal incision.
  • Step 2: The refractive lenticule is taken and removed through a small corneal incision. The corneal structure is maintained & amp; stable because no flap was made.
  • Step 3: Intake of the lenticule changes the way light enters the eye, allowing the eye to see clearly without the aid of glasses or contact lenses. The small corneal incision can heal by itself.

Does relex smile in Turkey hurt?

Relex smile in Turkey procedure certainly is not painful. Before during the procedure, you will be given topical anesthesia in the form of eye drops. There is no injection and no general anesthesia is required. You will be aware during the entire procedure.

What screenings are needed before undergoing relex smile in Turkey?

There are 7 eye screenings before relex smile in Turkey :

  • Subjective and objective refraction
  • Eyeball pressure
  • Atlas/crs master (corneal mapping)
  • Tear quality and production
  • Pentacam (corneal thickness)
  • Check gds (blood sugar)
  • Physical examination of the eye

How long does the relex smile in Turkey procedure take?

The relex smile in Turkey could take around 30 minutes which includes all the preparation, briefing, anesthetic administration and post-procedure consultation. As for the procedure that involves the laser itself only takes less than 30 seconds for an eye. Patients would usually be given MC of about 3 days to let them rest their eyes. However, some patients can also start working the following day.

What should be considered after doing relex smile in Turkey?

In general, your eyes need to be used to see as soon as possible to accelerate adaptation to your new vision. But, remember:

  • Don’t rub your eyes
  • Avoid contact with water in the eyes
  • Don’t use make-up around the eyes

After relex smile in Turkey, can I do activities right away?

Basically there are no restrictions on activity and your eyes must be used to see as soon as possible so that your eye’s adaptation period will be faster. Avoid dusty, smoky places, don’t do extreme sports, don’t rub your eyes, don’t swim, or use make-up for two weeks.

Can relex smile in Turkey be done twice?

No. Doing the relex smile in Turkey twice may cause possible complications. This is due to the nature of the surgery that involves the removal of the lenticule from the patient’s eyes has its limitations in error correction.

When can I put on make up, or go swimming after relex smile in Turkey?

Endurance sports are possible without restrictions after about two weeks. Eye makeup, swimming or sauna we recommend in moderation, after about three to four weeks.

Are there any complications after relex smile in Turkey?

Relex smile in Turkey was developed to minimise the complications that persist in previous surgical techniques. Nowadays, post-operation issues are almost zero, and the whole process is pain-free.

How accurate is relex smile in Turkey?

It is a very accurate and precise procedure. It does not affect the cornea cells or does any damage to the tissues. It is acknowledged to be better than lasik in most cases.

Is relex smile in Turkey a permanent treatment?

Yes, relex smile in Turkey gives accurate and highly predictable results.

Why Should You Choose Cayra Clinic For Relex Smile In Turkey?

Turkey became one of the most preferred countries for relex smile in Turkey and all treatments of health tourism. At Cayra Clinic in Turkey, our expert doctors are well versed with the procedure, having performed the surgery with thousands of happy patients. Along with relex smile, our doctors specialise in various fields, including lasik & refractive surgery, cornea services, ocular surface & dry eyes disorders, computer vision syndrome, paediatric ophthalmology and squint, cataract, and glaucoma services.

With our clinics situated in Istanbul and Antalya in Turkey, we also offer treatment to correct all types of refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia. At Cayra Clinic in Turkey, our highly-skilled eye specialists perform all kinds of refractive surgery using state-of-the-art technology to provide glass-free and clear vision. Contact us now to get more information about both relex smile in Turkey and your trip to Turkey.

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