
Knee Replacement

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Knee Replacement In Turkey

Knee replacement is a popular and successful treatment for pain and other symptoms associated with a damaged or diseased knee joint, and Cayra Clinic in Turkey is a well-established medical facility that specializes in this procedure. The expert surgeons at Cayra Clinic use the most up-to-date surgical techniques and medical-grade materials such as metal alloys to replace damaged sections of bones in the knee joint with artificial implant pieces. This provides a long-term solution for pain relief and joint movement restoration, improving the patient’s general quality of life and allowing them to participate in physical activities.

Does Knee Replacement Surgery In Turkey Get Rid Of Arthritis?

Knee replacement surgery in Turkey is an excellent way to reduce pain in the knees and can solve a number of issues, and is often ideal for people who have tried alternative pain-relief methods to no avail. However, it is not a permanent solution for arthritis. Knee replacement surgery in Turkey may temporarily relieve pain from arthritis, but it does not cure the condition. Managing your arthritis will still be necessary to reduce pain in the knees, even after joint surgery.

What To Expect On The Day Of Knee Replacement Surgery In Turkey?

Knee replacement surgery in Turkey can take anywhere from one to three hours (if just one knee is replaced) to four to five hours (if both knees are replaced) (if both are replaced during the same surgery). After the surgery, you will be sent to the recovery room for a few hours.

Is Knee Replacement Surgery Safe In Turkey?

In Turkey, the average success rate for knee replacement surgery is roughly 95%. According to statistics, 90 percent of the prostheses used during surgery have a 10-year survival rate, while 80 percent of the cases last for more than 20 years. Hence it is safe in Turkey for knee replacement surgery.

What Should You Know Before Knee Replacement Surgery In Turkey?

A series of tests and examinations are performed before surgery, following which your surgeon at Cayra Clinic in Turkey determines whether total knee replacement is required. Your doctor at Cayra Clinic in Turkey will perform a thorough examination to determine the condition of the knee and weigh the benefits and risks of surgery in a specific situation. They will think about:

  • Medication, injections, physiotherapy, and other surgical procedures have all been used in the past.
  • Examine your current health and any potential dangers associated with the procedure.
  • The knee is examined physically.
  • Imaging studies and laboratory testing (ct scan, mri)
  • Anaesthesiologist evaluation to reduce anaesthesia-related problems (allergic reaction)

What Is Knee Replacement Surgery Procedure Details In Turkey?

The Knee replacement surgery in Turkey is done under general anesthesia, and the patient is completely unconscious throughout the procedure. During the procedure;

  • Your surgeon at Cayra Clinic in Turkey will access the bones by making an incision in the knee joint.
  • The diseased cartilage and bones are removed first, and the bones are then resurfaced in preparation for joint replacement.
  • The alignment and function of the joint are subsequently restored using artificial knee implants made of metal alloy or other suitable materials.
  • The replacement joints will be attached to the existing bones and surrounding tissues by your surgeon at Cayra Clinic. Screws, plates, and other fixation materials such as cement will be used to secure it.
  • Before the surgery, your surgeon at Cayra Clinic will assess the range of motion of the knee joint.
  • Stitches or surgical glue/staples will be used to close the wound, and a drain may be inserted in the incision site to drain the fluid.
  • Over the incision, a sterile bandage or dressing is applied.

What After Knee Replacement Surgery In Turkey?

Following discharge from the hospital, follow-up appointments should be scheduled on a regular basis. To treat pain and inflammation, take the medications suggested by your doctor at Cayra Clinic in Turkey. You have sutures and bandages around the operated part for the first few days. When the bandage is still in place, avoid contact with water. Make sure you have someone to look after you at home. Someone to assist you in walking. Initially, employ walking assistance, but progressively reduce their use. Physiotherapy is quite beneficial. Make an appointment with a physiotherapist who specializes in helping people recuperate faster. Exercise on a regular basis to keep the joint from stiffening. This aids in the joint’s smooth mobility. Avoid sitting with your legs crossed. It may cause harm to your new joint.

What Are The Advantages Of Knee Replacement Surgery In Turkey?

Turkey is ranked third among all nations in the world by the International Medical Tourism Journal (IMTJ). Foreigners account for roughly 32% of patients treated in turkey. The availability of sophisticated medical modalities paired with inexpensive prices entices them. The international medical community has acknowledged the high quality of turkish medication. JCI accreditation is held by 34 Turkish clinics, indicating that they meet the highest quality standards. The country supports the growth of medical tourism in every manner it can, such as by making visas easier to get or offering flight discounts. In Turkey, the average length of stay for knee joint replacement is two weeks.

Who Is The Right Candidate For Knee Replacement Surgery In Turkey?

Knee replacement surgery in Turkey can be performed on adults of any age, however it is most commonly done on patients between the ages of 60 and 80. Patients with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or post traumatic arthritis are suitable candidates for the operation.

Is Knee Replacement Surgery In Turkey Results Permanent?

Artificial implants have a lifespan of 15-20 years, depending on how well they are cared for after surgery and the quality of the implant. Excessive (strengthening) or high-impact activities can cause the implant material to wear out faster. In order to reap the full and long-term benefits of the replacement, it is critical to exercise regularly, live a healthy lifestyle, and avoid all activities as directed by your surgeon at Cayra Clinic in Turkey.

Are There Complications Associated With Knee Replacement Surgery In Turkey?

Like any other surgery, you may experience pain post knee replacement surgery. However, these side effect like pain will disappear within a short time. There are no severe complications for Knee replacement surgery in Turkey/

What Is The Recovery Process Post-Operative Treatment For Knee Replacement Surgery In Turkey?

Complete healing takes 6 weeks, although inflammation and pain can take up to 3 months to diminish, and the knee can continue to heal for up to 2 years after surgery. Because you won’t be able to walk correctly for the first six weeks and will be in discomfort and inflammation, you will need to use walking aids like walkers, crutches, and walking sticks. With the assistance of your medical assistant, you can begin walking again 12 to 24 hours after surgery. After the operation, you will be able to drive again in 4 to 6 weeks.

Before you leave the hospital, you will need to achieve the followings to be deemed safe to return home:

  • Getting in and out of bed on your own
  • Be able to use the bathroom on your own
  • Learn light exercises to do at home
  • Learn how to use your assistive devices

You would also need to fully understand accident prevention and what you need to do and avoid during your recovery. A successful outcome from a Knee replacement surgery in Turkey also depends on how well you prepare for your recovery at home and this is something you should discuss with your doctor at Cayra Clinic in Turkey. Barring any complications, most patients are able to return to most normal activities and walk without the need of assistive devices between three to six weeks after surgery. Overall, it usually takes two to three months to make a complete recovery from a minimally invasive Knee replacement surgery in Turkey.

What Is The Cost Of Knee Replacement Surgery In Turkey?

The pric of Knee replacement surgery in Turkey is lesser compared to the UK and USA. The cost of Knee replacement surgery in Turkey ranges between $1500 and $3000.

What Is The Success Rate Of Knee Replacement Surgery In Turkey?

The average success rate of Knee replacement surgery in Turkey is around 95 percent. This is based on the reviews and the surgical history of patients who get their surgery done in the country. It is estimated that approximately 90 percent of the prosthesis used during the Knee replacement surgery in Turkey last for more than 10 years and 80 percent of them last for more than 20 years. A variety of implants are available across Turkey that lasts for as much as at least 25 years. Some of the factors that affect the success rate of Knee replacement surgery in Turkey, however, include the following:

  • Quality of implants used
  • Type of implants used
  • The overall health of the patient
  • Quality of rehabilitation
  • Post-surgical infections and complications

What Are The Various Approaches To Knee Replacement Surgery In Turkey?

Although surgeons in Turkey use various techniques for knee replacement, below two approaches are the most common.

  • Minimally-invasive quadriceps-sparing total knee replacement: This is a new surgical technique which allows surgeons to insert same time-tested knee replacement implants via a shorter incision with the help of a surgical approach that avoids any trauma to the quadriceps muscle, the most important muscle group in the knee. This technique is called quadriceps-sparing knee replacement in which the recovery time is much quicker. The patient can walk with a cane in just a couple of weeks of surgery. The less-traumatic nature of the approach may decrease post-operative pain and also decrease the need for rehab compared to more traditional approaches. The cost of minimally-invasive quadriceps-sparing total Knee replacement surgery in Turkey is around 18000 USD.
  • Anterolateral approach: The anterolateral approach consists of a lateral capsular incision, which begins about 8 cm proximal to the patella. The incision can be extended distally via the fat pad for visualization of the lateral section and ends distal to the tibial tuberosity. The approach is found to be less favorable than the anteromedial approach. The cost of anterolateral approach to Knee replacement surgery in Turkey is around 17000 USD.

Why Should You Choose Turkey As A Destination For Your Knee Replacement Surgery?

Turkey has become one of the most popular medical tourism destinations due to its burgeoning medical tourism business. People go from all over the world to Turkey because of the world-class amenities offered in hospitals, including the latest machines, some of the best surgeons, and the government’s strict patient-care policies. The right combination of quality and cost is one of the main reasons why Turkey has become one of the most sought-after locations. Aside from that, the presence of an interdisciplinary team of specialists and innovative rehabilitation centers that give tailored care to each patient is also critical. Turkey has experienced and highly qualified orthopedic surgeons who mostly carry us board certifications. The doctors have earned educational qualifications, fellowships and certifications from prestigious institutions across the globe. These physicians are patient-friendly and are fluent in english. The medical experts in turkey keep themselves updated about the latest development in their respective specializations. Turkey offers cost-effective knee replacement surgery. The surgery cost is 70-80 percent lesser compared to countries like the uk, thailand, france, singapore and germany. For international patients, the treatment costs will also include food, travel, airfare, transportation, and basic amenities that are very affordable.

Why Choose Cayra Clinic For Your Knee Replacement In Turkey?

Cayra Clinic in Turkey is the world’s leading academic medical center focused on patients’ health. Cayra Clinic in Turkey is one of the leading high-tech hospitals that has a dedicated department of cposnetic and plastic surgeries. The clinical infrastructure ensures personalized treatment for patients of all ages. Cayra Clinic’s surgeons are trained to provide effective treatment with knee replacement as well as other joint replacement surgeries. We have our offices located at the heart of Turkey (Istanbul and Antalya) for better medical tourism experience.

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