
Rеvіѕіоn Rhinoplasty

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Rеvіѕіоn Rhinoplasty in Turkey

Revision Rhinoplasty is a complex surgical procedure that requires skill and expertise. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your rhinoplasty, a revision rhinoplasty may be the solution to achieve your desired results. In Turkey, the average cost of a revision rhinoplasty starts from $1500, which is a great value compared to the USA and Europe. At Cayra Clinic in Istanbul, Turkey, we offer all-inclusive packages for revision rhinoplasty, with the best doctors and patient reviews. You can also view before and after photos to see the quality of our work. Trust us to help you achieve the results you desire with a revision rhinoplasty in Turkey.

What Is Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey?

The goal of Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey is to ensure the proper functioning and appearance of a nose that has previously undergone surgery. There are two types of operations that can be used in Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey: major and minor operations. On the one hand, for tiny adjustments, the minor method is employed. Minimal filing or filling of defects with cartilage or filler in a small region is achievable with this procedure, and they take only a few minutes. On the other hand, for bigger operations, the major procedure is used. If anatomical alterations are required, the nose is opened and repaired in major way. With major methods, revision rhinoplasty takes more time. People undergo a Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey to improve the outcome of their first rhinoplasty because they may be frustrated and upset that their expectations for their earlier nose job were not met. So, doctors discuss the formerly desired outcomes with their patients and create a look that is as appealing as their patients desire.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey?

Rhinoplasty is a beneficial operation that can change the curve of the nose to make it more aesthetically acceptable. Nevertheless, on some occasions, you may need one more surgery which is a Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey. You will be a good candidate for a Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey in following situations;

  • The nose has healed poorly with scarring
  • Injury or trauma to the nose has affected outcomes
  • Primary rhinoplasty generated asymmetries
  • Cartilage grafts have gotten misplaced
  • Results do not match expectations
  • Breathing has become blocked

As a result, if your first rhinoplasty treatment had an unfavorable result for any of the reasons outlined above, you may be a good candidate for Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey.

What Are The Benefits Of A Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey?

  • Improved functionality

Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey restores structure and strength to the nose to improve nasal airflow. Form and function are directly correlated, so improving nasal function also enhances the appearance of the nose and vice versa so you can breathe easier after the procedure.

  • Increased confidence

The nose is a central feature of the face and can have a profound effect on a person’s overall appearance. The majority of patients experience an enhanced self-image and significantly increased confidence after improving this influential facial characteristic.

How Is Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey Performed?

After a detailed examination, your doctor at Cayra Clinic in Turkey will tell you how and why the problem occurred and discuss the solutions with you, focusing on potential ones. By explaining what needs to be done, it produces personal solutions tailored to your needs. First of all, surgery, by its nature, varies according to the person. In Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey, the nose is shaped by changing its position and repositioning using the cartilage inside the nose. If all of the cartilage in the nose is used in the first operations, cartilage is taken from the ear or rib in revision operations. For bone or cartilage supplementation, cartilage and tissues taken from the patients own body are used due to the possibility of any risk of allergic reaction. Revision rhinoplasty is performed with general anesthesia.

At What Age Can I Have Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey?

Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey is a surgical procedure in which the patient is not satisfied with the new nose, and the nose is replaced with a new one due to problems such as unwanted irregularities, collapse, disfigurement, and inability to breathe. The aim of revision rhinoplasty surgery is to transform the anatomical structure and appearance of the nose into natural and suitable for the patients facial structure and reconstruct what is negative in the nose. It can be applied to all patients aged 18 and over. If the patient has very serious health problems, Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey can be performed until the age of 16.

Why Is Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey Needed?

Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey is a procedure that is often used by people who have had a nose job before but are not satisfied with the result or who continue to have problems such as difficulty breathing or congestion. Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey is a much more difficult procedure than the first rhinoplasty. The reason for this is the change of anatomical plans and the presence of missing tissues. The success of surgery, correction of physiological functions, as well as the diagnosis and correction of the problems that have occurred in the nose is one of the points to be considered. These are very important for the comfort of ones life. Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey surgery usually requires cartilage to correct the problems that are present. If the cartilage removed from the inside of the nose is insufficient, cartilage is removed from the ear scoop. As an alternative to this, cartilage that will be removed from the rib can also be used. The resulting cartilage fixes the existing problem.

When Should Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey Be Done?

Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey is performed to correct dissatisfaction after a nose surgery. Therefore, the patient is constantly focused on the problems experienced after the first surgery. In order to correct these problems, operations performed under general anesthesia fall under the scope of Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey. Nose surgeries have a healing process between up to 12 months. For this reason, the Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey must be performed at least 12 months after the first surgery.

What’s The Recovery  Timeline For Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey?

The recovery time usually lasts one to two weeks, and patients are required to stay at home for seven to ten days after surgery. Following the treatment, a splint will be placed on the patient’s nose, which will be removed one week later. Swelling and bruising are common side effects of the operation, but they normally go away within a few days. In the meanwhile, patients usually need 10 to 14 days to recover. Approximately one week after surgery, these patients may be able to return to work. It’s typical to experience swelling, pressure, and pain or discomfort in the days following Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey. To help control post-operative pain, the patient will be prescribed pain medication. Within 48 hours of treatment, a patient should be able to resume light activities such as walking around the house. However, over the next three weeks, they should avoid any activities that could cause the nose to bleed, such as leaning over, heavy lifting, and blowing the nose.
For at least one to two weeks following a revision rhinoplasty patients must keep their head elevated while resting, relaxing, or sleeping surgery to minimize bruising or swelling. Most patients may notice visible changes within a few months of their revision rhinoplasty, although the full result may take up to two years. Finally, patients should be able to experience full results after one to two years of treatment in the majority of cases.

Revision Rhinoplasty

What To Expect After Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey?

Some patients who have had a Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey at Cayra Clinic in Turkey report that it is less painful than having a main nose procedure. In addition, compared to an original nose job, Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey may have a quicker recovery period and result in less post-treatment bruising and swelling. However, since each person is different, some rhinoplasty patients may recover faster than others. The most important thing to remember the following surgery is to strictly follow your surgeon’s instructions. Furthermore, pain relievers like advil and motrin should be avoided for two weeks after surgery because they can slow down recovery.

Are There Complications For Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey?

There are no complications for Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey. You may have bleeding or pain which will disappear in a short time.

How Much Does A Revision Rhinoplasty Cost In Turkey?

In turkey, the cost of Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey varies depending on a number of factors, including clinics, doctor experience, and procedure used. You can see the difference when comparing these pricing to facilities and other countries that provide the procedure. Overall, Turkey offers a fantastic international experience as well as excellent medical care. The average cost of a revision rhinoplasty in turkey is $2000, with a low of $1500 and a high of $3000.

When Should You Have A Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey?

The most acceptable time for Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey begins after a minimum of 6 months of post-operative recovery. If the patient has undergone two or more revision procedures, the subsequent Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey should be postponed for one year.

Is A Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey Worth It?

If your face is out of harmony or you have breathing problems as a result of previous rhinoplasty, it is worthwhile to have a Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey. However, if you have unrealistic expectations, it is not worth it. You should examine your decision one more time.

Is It Safe To Get A Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey?

This is a question that would be on the mind of anyone traveling to a foreign country to undergo a surgical aesthetic operation. At Cayra Clinic in Turkey, all of our operations are done in our offices at Istanbul and Antalya on very high standards in Turkey and all of Europe. Our current surgery operation is liv hospital vadistanbul, see picture below.

How Long Do I Need To Stay For My Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey?

To stay in Turkey for 8 to 10 days is ideal for our patients at Cayra Clinic. Two of those days are before surgery to discuss the operation plan at the clinic consultation and some tests at the hospital for the pre-op. Your stay in Turkey will not be unpleasant after the surgery, in fact, you’ll have no pain whatsoever and our patients at Cayra Clinic are able to live their lives normally and visit everywhere in Istanbul and Antalya during their stay.

Should I Worry About Having A Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey?

Absolutely not. Cayra Clinic medical team will always be there for you and will try to attend to all your needs and requests on time. Besides, we plan and take care of everything for our patients and we give them all the medicine they are required to take and use after their surgery on the discharge day from the hospital.

Is Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey Worth It?

A good and positive change is guaranteed with Cayra Clinic in Turkey. You not only have a better-shaped nose but also you will feel much more confident and you will feel happier after we achieve the results our patients want.

What is the recovery time of Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey?

At Cayra Clinic in Turkey, we expect to reach our final results between 8 and 12 months after the surgery. But, during this period our medical team will always stay in touch with you to follow up with your situation at all times. Similarly, Cayra Clinic in Turkey stays in touch with the patients to be able to decide on the current situation. Revision rhinoplasty in Turkey’s recovery isn’t very difficult but requires patience and a good surgeon. You will recover totally within 2 to 3 weeks and you can resume your work fully.

Why Should Choose To Have Your Revision Rhinoplasty In Turkey?

Turkey is a beautiful country that is also close to many other countries in Europe, asia, and the middle east. So, the travel costs will be affordable and the travel time will be very short. Also, there are numerous flight alternatives for destinations further away, making it simple to go to turkey in a matter of hours. Furthermore, healthcare workers are friendly, polite, and thoughtful of their patient. In terms of budget, turkish clinics are cheaper compared to other countries, and they provide economical all-in-one packages that cover a variety of procedures that would be more expensive if done separately. Moreover, they offer clean, hygienic and a healthy atmosphere in their facilities. In addition, if you visit turkey, you will not only find fully qualified doctors that specialize in revision rhinoplasty, but also a plethora of tourist attractions. That is, you will enjoy your time in turkey from both a cultural and a health standpoint. Before your operation, you can see many historical places, taste the delicious meals of turkey, and have fun. Then, you will have a smooth operation process, and leave turkey with satisfaction.

Cayra Clinic in Turkey works with the best doctor for each plastic surgery operation for you to have best result and experience in Turkey. Cayra Clinic in Turkey has its offices situated at Istanbul and Antalya in Turkey equipped with the latest technologies for better Revision rhinoplasty results.

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