
Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

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Hair transplantation is an effective and safe solution for hair loss which affects millions of people.  This article explains the specific method – Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant. 

The 2 most common methods of hair transplants in Turkey are FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and DHI (Direct Hair Implantation).   

FUE hair transplant method individually transfers each hair from an area where abundant hair is present to an area where hair loss is apparent, unlike older methods such as FUT whereby a long strip of hair is removed. The Fue method can be explained in 3 simple steps.

  1. Collecting the hair to be transplanted 
  2. Making channels in the problem areas  
  3. Transplanting the collected hairs into incisions.  

The Sapphire Fue technique utilizes a sharp sapphire blade to make small channels in the problem areas. 

Traditional FUE methods which use metal blades are effective but can result in tissue damage due to the large number of incisions created.  

One of the most important criteria for success in hair transplantation is to transplant the greatest number of grafts in the best possible way. The transplanted hair should appear as frequently as possible and should appear so natural that it is impossible to tell it is a hair transplant. 

Benefits of Sapphire FUE compared to other hair transplant methods:  

Sapphire blades are V-shaped while metal blades are U-shaped. This makes the sapphire blade smaller and sharper than traditional metal FUE blades.  

  • Precision: Sapphire blades are sharper and more durable than metal. This allows for precise and clean incisions.
  • Less Tissue Trauma: Smaller incisions reduce tissue damage and promote faster healing
  • Natural-Looking Results: The precision of the Sapphire FUE method ensures the transplanted hair looks natural.
  • High Survival Rate: The clean cuts made by the sapphire blades result in a higher survival rate of the transplanted hair.
  • Reduced Scarring: The Sapphire FUE method produces little to no scarring once fully healed.
  • Less Pain: Patients experience less pain with the Sapphire FUE method compared to traditional methods post-surgery.
  • Antibacterial Properties: Sapphire blades are antibacterial reducing the risk of infections.

Remember, the success of a hair transplant procedure depends on various factors, including the skill and experience of the surgeon, the patient’s health, and adherence to post-operative care instructions.    

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation Planning and Graft Count 

The planning stage involves determining the number of grafts to be collected from the donor area. This is based on the severity of the patient’s hair loss, to achieve a certain hair density in the areas to be transplanted. You can think of this planning stage as creating a map of the hair transplant procedure on the scalp.   

Since the Sapphire technique allows for more channels to be opened, the number of grafts to be collected from the donor area is calculated accordingly. This ensures that there are enough grafts to fill all the channels created. 

The Sapphire FUE Procedure Overview:  

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant is a comprehensive procedure that can be completed in one day. However, we recommend a 2-3 day stay in Turkey for the best experience. The first 2 steps are the same for both FUE and DHI Hair transplants. 

  1. Preparation 
  2. Collecting grafts 
  3. Channel Opening 
  4. Graft Insertion 

Step 1: Preparation: 

Preparing for a Hair Transplant requires comprehensive preparation.
First, a blood test is conducted to ensure there are no underlying diseases such as HIV or Hepatitis that the doctors should be aware of. 

Next, the surgeon carefully marks the areas on the head where the hair will be transplanted and. Special attention is given to fine-tuning and perfecting the hairline. 

Once the tests are completed and the areas marked, the hair in the donor area (where the grafts will be extracted) is shaved. 

Lastly, a two-stage anaesthesia process is done. firstly, we administer anaesthesia that doesn’t cause any pain. This is done to lower the discomfort from the local anaesthesia. We call this, “anaesthesia for the anaesthesia” 

Step 2. Collecting Grafts 

In this step, the grafts are collected individually, one by one. A machine called a Micro Motor is used to make an incision around each hair follicle (Hair Root). The follicles are then collected and stored safely until they are ready to be transplanted. 

It’s important to note that hair follicles don’t grow back after a hair transplant since the entire root is removed. The surgeons carefully remove the grafts to ensure that there are no areas left without hair at the donor site. This requires skilled and experienced surgeons. 

Step 3. Sapphire Fue Channel opening process 

The surgeon carefully and individually cuts small channels into the affected areas using the tiny sapphire blade. The incisions are strategically made taking into consideration the angle at which the hair will grow. They are also spaced apart for the hair to grow naturally. Additionally, some surgeons make the hairline slightly irregular for a more natural-looking hairline. The incision process takes 2-4 hours depending on the number of grafts to be transplanted. 

Step 4. Transplantation 

The collected hair grafts are individually implanted into the channels created. Surgeons and nurses pay close attention to how each graft is implanted into the channels. As you can imagine, placing 4000 tiny hair follicles is a long and tiring procedure which requires experienced medical teams. 

Recovery and Growth Phases:  

The recovery journey post-Sapphire FUE is a gradual process: 

Timeframe  Description 
First 1-3 Months  Scab removal and shock shedding occur. 
Shock Fall Phase  
New hair growth begins. 
6-10 months  Gradual strengthening of newly grown hair strands. 
80% of the new hair should be grown  
One Year Later  The final result becomes apparent. 
Strengthened hair follicles and thicker hair contribute to the overall success of the hair transplant. 


Cost Considerations of Saphire Fue hair Transplant:  

The cost of a Sapphire FUE procedure can change depending on various factors. These factors include the extent of hair loss and the surgeon’s experience. In Turkey, the price for a Hair Transplant typically ranges from 1000 to 3500 Euros. 

Maximum Hair Grafts 

Most hair transplant clinics determine their prices based on the number of hair grafts required. However, at Cayra Clinic, we use a different approach known as the MAXIMUM GRAFT model. This model guarantees a single price while ensuring the maximum possible number of grafts are transplanted based on everyone’s specific needs. 

Is Sapphire Fue Safe?      

Sapphire Fue is a type of microsurgery. However, creating many micro-wounds can cause tissue damage. The Sapphire technique minimizes this tissue trauma. It uses sharp sapphire blades to create much smaller V-shaped channels. This smooth surgical incision reduces tissue deformation significantly. As a result, the transplant results look more natural, and the procedure is safer. 

Who is the Right Candidate for Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation? 

Sapphire FUE hair transplantation can be a solution for individuals between the ages of 20 and 60 who have sufficient hair follicles in the donor area, typically the back of the head. 

Understanding Hair Loss 

Hair loss varies from person to person. Sudden severe hair loss can be alarming, but it’s often temporary. Hair loss usually becomes noticeable at a certain stage, and it’s often more advanced than initially assumed. This advanced stage of hair loss is typically discovered during an online consultation. 

An online consultation is required for all hair transplants. It’s not just for planning the hair transplantation procedure, but also for understanding the causes of hair loss and determining the type of hair loss. 

If a patient is young and baldness is likely in the coming years, it’s important to plan for future hair transplants. The minimally invasive Sapphire hair transplant technique is worth considering, especially when there’s a possibility of needing a second hair transplantation in the future. 

How long does the procedure take? 

The average time for a sapphire Fue transplant is 3-6 hours. 

After Hair transplant 

The first 7-10 days after hair transplantation are the most important. This period determines the overall success of the procedure. Each transplanted graft needs to securely attach to the scalp without infections or complications. Therefore, it is important to follow all post-operation instructions.  

Cayra Clinic monitors the process and provides remote support to the patient for one year following hair transplantation. 


Cayra Clinic, with more than ten years of experience, offers high-quality treatments and provides the best services in the field of hair transplantation in Turkey. Using methods such as Sapphire Fue, Cayra Clinic has always aimed to use the most advanced technology for quality and reliable health service in all treatments. 

The Sapphire Technique is an advanced version of the FUE technique that allows us to achieve the most natural results in hair transplantation while also allowing us to perform more frequent hair transplants.

One of the most important criteria for success in hair transplantation is to transplant the greatest number of grafts in the best possible way. The transplanted hair should appear as frequently as possible and should appear so natural that it is impossible to tell it is a hair transplant.

Sapphire FUE hair transplant is the hair transplantation method that comes closest to the perfection we seek in hair transplantation.

The ability to evaluate the hair follicles collected from the donor area to achieve maximum volume in the recipient area thanks to the micro channels opened with sapphire blades expands the solution possibilities in hair transplantation to a higher level. Sapphire FUE is raising the bar on naturalness by the day.

Sapphire FUE hair transplant is a popular hair transplant technique among those who have a hair transplant in Turkey, despite its high cost, because it provides us with the best hair transplant results as well as many other advantages.

Sapphire Hair Transplant is a less invasive advanced version of FUE hair transplantation that uses sharp-tipped special surgical pens made of sapphire ore.

With the development of the FUE technique, hair transplantation operations that provide a permanent solution to hair loss become more widely used. Although the hair follicles are collected one by one from the donor area and transplanted into the channels opened one by one in the balding area, it is a type of micro-surgical application, but opening a large number of micro-wounds causes significant total tissue destruction.

The tissue trauma caused by these micro-wounds is minimized in the Sapphire hair transplant technique. Sharp sapphire blades open much smaller V-shaped channels. A smooth surgical incision significantly reduces tissue deformation and allows us to achieve much more natural hair transplant results.

Contents  hide 

1 What is the procedure for Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant?

2 Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation Stages

3 Before a Hair Transplant,Use the Sapphire Technique

4 Who is a Right Candidate for Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation?

5 Online Consultation for Sapphire FUE Hair Technique

6 Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant Surgery

7 Examine Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

8 Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation Planning / Graft Count

9 Hairline Sapphire FUE Hair

10 Anesthesia with Sapphire FUE

11 Sapphire Technique Hair Root Collection

12 Sapphire Channel Opening Technique

13 Sapphire Technique Hair Root Transplantation

14 Following Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

15 The Sapphire Method Wound care / First Wash

16 The first 1-3 months following a Sapphire FUE hair transplant

17 The first six months following a Sapphire FUE hair transplant

18 One year later the Sapphire FUE hair transplant Method

19 Price of Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant in Turkey in 2024

19.1 Conclusion:

What is the procedure for Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant?

Sapphire FUE hair transplant involves transplanting individual hair follicles from the donor area into V-shaped incisions made with sapphire-tipped blades in the area to be transplanted.

The first and most important parameter that will determine the outcome of hair transplantation, regardless of the method used, is the hair reserve in the donor area. Even in severe hair loss, the Sapphire technique can produce results that exceed expectations, but it is critical to determine whether there is enough hair in the donor area to meet the patient’s expectations.

In terms of stages, Sapphire FUE hair transplant is the same as FUE hair transplant. Steel punches, similar to those used in the FUE technique, are used to collect hair follicles. The Sapphire FUE difference is noticeable during the channel opening phase to the receiving area. Instead of the traditional FUE technique’s U-shaped steel blades, the Sapphire technique employs much sharper sapphire blades made of natural sapphire stone and aluminum alloy.

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation Stages

After you have been determined to be a suitable candidate for Sapphire FUE hair transplant in Turkey, the process is divided into three basic steps.

  • Sapphire FUE prior to hair transplantation
  • Sapphire Technique Hair Transplant Surgery
  • Following Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

Although hair transplantation is commonly associated with hair transplantation techniques such as FUE, Sapphire FUE, and DHI, the important thing to remember is that the entire process is meticulously planned. As Cayraclinic mentioned, we believe that hair transplantation is a comprehensive procedure that requires the same level of care and attention at every stage. Collaborating with the patient in hair transplantation, and establishing strong communication, provides significant benefits both before and after the hair transplantation, both for the clinic and the patient.

Before a Hair Transplant,Use the Sapphire Technique

The first step before undergoing Sapphire Technique is to locate an experienced clinic, as we cannot risk our work in delicate surgical applications such as Sapphire FUE.

Sharp sapphire blades necessitate surgical skill and experience. Regardless of the technique’s success, dexterity, surgical ability, and experience are critical in the Sapphire hair transplant method. Because of this, the aesthetic risk in Sapphire technique is high.

The fact that Sapphire FUE is a more technically advanced hair transplant method than FUE does not guarantee successful results. Hair transplantation is a cosmetic surgery procedure with an artistic component. This artistic quality is more important in Sapphire FUE than in FUE. Unwanted complications and unnatural hair transplant results can result from Sapphire FUE performed by inexperienced individuals.

Who is a Right Candidate for Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation?

All men and women between the ages of 20 and 60 who have enough hair follicles in the donor area can have their hair restored using the Sapphire FUE hair transplantation technique.

As it can be used in cases of severe hair loss in a large area, sapphire hair transplant is a permanent solution against typical hair loss such as gaps at the temples, receding the forehead line, gaps at the hair from the top, or homogeneous thinning.

Online Consultation for Sapphire FUE Hair Technique

Hair loss occurs in varying degrees from person to person. Sudden severe hair loss can cause panic, but this is usually only temporary. If it is possible for the hair to regrow, it would be a more appropriate approach to seek assistance from various treatments.

Hair loss is usually noticed when it reaches a certain stage, and there is a much more advanced level of hair loss than is commonly assumed, but it is only discovered during an online consultation.

Online consultation is essential in Sapphire FUE hair transplantation, not only for one-time hair transplantation planning, but also for understanding the causes of hair loss and determining the type of shedding.

If baldness is unavoidable in the coming years and the patient’s age is still young, it is necessary to plan for future hair transplantation with the minimally invasive Sapphire hair transplant technique, taking into account the possibility of second or even third hair transplantation.

Online consultation is also the stage at which the patient is informed about the factors to be considered prior to Sapphire Technique surgery.

  • Blood thinners are not used prior to Sapphire FUE hair transplant.
  • Alcohol consumption must have ceased at least three days prior.
  • If you have a chronic disease or take medications on a regular basis, you should notify your doctor.
  • It is recommended that you get plenty of rest and sleep before having Sapphire hair transplantation.
  • Wearing buttoned or zippered clothing on the day of surgery is an important precaution to avoid damaging the hair follicles while dressing and undressing following the procedure
Sapphire Fue Transplant

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant Surgery

Sapphire FUE hair transplant protocol is performed in 7 stages at Cayraclinic. You can also think of these stages as the operation day’s flow.

Examine Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

Before hair transplant operations, mandatory general surgical procedures such as various blood tests and a thorough hair transplant examination are performed. It is determined whether the patient’s general health is suitable for the operation.

At this stage, the patient’s hair loss history and expectations for hair transplantation are assessed. The patient is informed about the other FUE hair transplantation technique and the processes of the hair transplantation operation, as well as the estimated duration of the procedure and all other details. Intriguing questions are addressed.

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplantation Planning / Graft Count

The number of grafts to be collected from the donor area should be allocated to the areas to be transplanted based on the severity of hair loss so that a certain hair density is obtained. Planning can be viewed as a map of the hair transplant procedure on the scalp.

Because the Sapphire technique allows for the opening of more channels, the number of grafts to be collected from the donor area is calculated accordingly.

Hairline Sapphire FUE Hair

Individual hairlines are drawn to match the aesthetic proportions of the face. We generally prefer it to be neither too late nor too early.

A natural hairline is one of the first factors that every patient considers in order to achieve the best hair transplant results. The location of the hairline is the first thing to notice in the photos before and after Sapphire hair transplant.

Many details in hair transplantation, including determining the location of the hairline, are planned based on the donor area’s hair follicle reserve. If the donor area is strong, it is easier to experiment with the hairline.

Anesthesia with Sapphire FUE

Sapphire hair transplant surgery is carried out under local anesthesia. For patients who are afraid of the anesthesia needle, painless anesthesia is an option.

Sapphire Technique Hair Root Collection

Hair follicles are collected one by one from the donor area on the nape of the head during Sapphire hair transplantation. Depending on the thickness of the hair follicles, steel punches of varying diameters are used. This is the same stage as the FUE technique for Sapphire hair transplant.

The collected hair follicles are divided into groups based on thickness and stored in special solutions until transplantation.

Sapphire Channel Opening Technique

At this point, Sapphire’s revolutionary effect in hair transplantation becomes apparent. Because the micro channels opened with special sapphire tips of 1 mm / 1.3 mm and 1.5 mm in diameter are V-shaped and their angles can be adjusted in relation to each other, we can achieve the best results in hair transplantation.

Sapphire Technique Hair Root Transplantation

Different sized sapphire tips are used to open channels with the smallest diameter to the hair root to be planted. Hair follicles are placed in V-shaped channels according to pre-planned planning, resulting in a specific aesthetic distribution based on the characteristics of the area to be transplanted.

It takes 6-8 hours to transplant Sapphire hair. The final stage of Sapphire hair transplant surgery is hair follicle transplantation.

Following Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant

Those who have a hair transplant in Turkey stay in Turkey for at least two more days after the procedure is completed, until the first wash is completed. The patient must rest following the operation, but the following day, you can explore one of the world’s most beautiful cities, Istanbul. One of the most important factors to consider when considering the benefits of hair transplantation in Istanbul is the tourist atmosphere.

The Sapphire Method Wound care / First Wash

Sapphire Technique demonstrates its ingenuity in rapid recovery even two days after surgery. A hair transplant nurse or hair transplant specialist will perform wound care or the first wash one or two days after the Sapphire FUE hair transplant.

The first week after hair transplantation is the most delicate. The first stage of this period is characterized by wound care. What follows is a period of gradual and rapid recovery.

Cayraclinic monitors the case processes and provides remote support to the patient for one year following hair transplantation.

The first 1-3 months following a Sapphire FUE hair transplant

The scab removal period is usually completed within the first month due to the low surgical deformation. Another significant event during this time is shock shedding. Hair that grows from all of the transplanted hair follicles falls out quickly.

The process of waiting for new hair to grow begins after the shock shedding. The scalp has significantly improved.

The first six months following a Sapphire FUE hair transplant

New hair starts to grow in. They are expected to be weak at first. The roots of the hair become stronger as it grows, and the hair strands become thicker.

One year later the Sapphire FUE hair transplant Method

The end result is almost entirely revealed. You’ve reached the point where your eyes begin to shine as a result of the joy of having your hair back. For a while, the hair follicles are strengthened and the hair strands are thickened.

Price of Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant in Turkey in 2024

The price of Sapphire FUE Hair transplant is increased by the use of precious metal tips and labor costs that necessitate professional experience. Turkey, having gained the trust of the entire world in hair transplantation, remains the world’s number one destination for Sapphire FUE hair transplantation.

Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant is preferred by patients from all over Europe seeking a hair transplant in Turkey. Because Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant prices are incomparably lower in Turkey than in Europe and America. It ranges in price from € 1000 to € 3000.


Cayra Clinic, with more than ten years of experience, offers the best hair transplant services in the treatment of hair loss, particularly the best hair transplant Turkey.

Cayra Clinic, which provides the best services in the fields of hair transplantation in Turkey, has always aimed to use the most advanced best technology, quality, and reliable health service in all treatments.

You can see more before and after photos on our reviews page.