
Dental Crowns – Detailed Guide

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Dental Crowns showcased

Dental Crowns are hollow tooth-shaped prostheses more commonly called tooth caps. Dentists often use them for both functional and aesthetic purposes.  Crowns are the perfect solution for cracked, misshaped, or yellow teeth.

If you are unhappy with your teeth, our expert dentists at Cayra Clinic can help you achieve a brighter, healthier smile. Using easy and effective methods which provide quality and comfort while being an affordable option. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us.

What Exactly Are Dental Crowns In Turkey?

Dental crowns are artificial teeth made from materials such as ceramic or porcelain. They cover all sides of a tooth (360 degrees). Crowns look exactly like natural teeth, making them an ideal solution for damaged or worn teeth. 

Dental crowns are designed to look like natural teeth. They can be made to reflect light and match the size, shape, and colour of the surrounding teeth. They not only enhance the appearance of your teeth but also protect the underlying tooth, helping to preserve your natural teeth for a longer time.

Dental crown diagram showing how dental crowns work.

Crowns have many different uses. The 3 most common uses are:   

  • Dental Bridges (used to close gaps between the teeth). 
  • Dental Implants (used for irreparable and missing teeth). 
  • Standalone (used only for specific teeth). 

Throughout history, dentistry has utilized dental crowns for almost 4000 years. According to (ADA), the modern version of dental crowns was first introduced in the late 1800s. With advancements in technology, dental crowns have become a reliable and permanent solution for dental problems. 

Are dental crowns in Turkey Safe?

Here is what Rita has to say about her journey getting zirconium crowns at Cayra Clinic:

Who Needs Dental Crowns?  

Anyone seeking a smile transformation, dealing with stained, cracked, chipped or weak teeth, or wanting to fill gaps should consider dental crowns. For those allergic to metal caps, we use zirconium as an anti-allergic solution. If you’re wondering about dental crowns, contact us for a free consultation. 

Dental crowns are used in dentistry for several reasons:  

  1. To protect weak teeth which may be decaying and teeth with old fillings. The crown will prevent it from breaking. 
  2. To restore broken teeth, severely worn-down teeth or root canal treatments. 
  3. Used in a smile makeover procedure for multiple or all teeth. 
  1. Are used to secure dental bridges in place. 
  2. To cover deformed, discoloured or decayed teeth. 
  3. Used alongside dental implants. The dental implant serves as the root while the crown serves as the tooth. 

What are dental crowns made of?  

Over the years many compositions of tooth crowns have come about. Gold is one of the oldest materials used for aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry. There are various materials available that can be used for specific purposes and can fit different budgets. 

Porcelain – CeramicNatural-looking colour and translucencyRelatively weak and can chip or crack.100-125 Euro
Ceramic compound – Gold, Silver, TitaniumStrong and durableNot aesthetic (Used mainly in the back teeth), can cause allergic reactions.200-300 Euro
Ceramic compounds – Zirconia, Emax, and porcelain fused to metal (PFM).Strength of metal with the aesthetics of porcelain.PFM may cause a dark line near the gums.100-250 Euro
AcrylicMainly used as temporary crowns or denturesIt is weak and is not durable, and it can stain or break easily.75-100 Euro
GoldBiocompatible and resistant to corrosionGold is expensive and has a distinct colour250+ Euro


How do I choose the right material for my dental crown?  

  • The location and function of the tooth
    If the tooth is in the front row and visible, you may want a material that looks natural. If the tooth is in the back row and is needed to chew, you may want a material that is strong and durable. 
  • The cost
    If you have a limited budget or insurance coverage, you may want affordable material. Porcelain Fused to Metal (PFM) is affordable and durable making it a good choice for a limited budget.
  • Age
    Young patients are often recommended more natural and strong materials such as zirconium. We often prefer zirconia as a natural-looking, durable material which can last 15-25 years.

What Are The Benefits Of Dental Crowns In Turkey?

The following are the main benefits of dental crowns in Turkey:

  • Are suitable for front and back teeth
  • Highly resilient (not easily breakable)
  • Greater bonding (fewer chances of a crown falling away)
  • Supports weak teeth
  • Less expensive compared to veneers

Cost of Dental Crowns – Are crowns worth it?  

The cost of dental crowns in Turkey varies according to the patient’s choice of dental crowns. Of course, there are differences in prices for dental crowns between dental clinics in Turkey. However these differences vary according to the expertise of the physicians, the quality of the materials used, and the pros and cons of the clinics’ expenses. As Cayra Clinic in Turkey, we provide the best dental crown service to our patients at competitive prices in Turkey ranging between 100 and 300 Euros per tooth.

When you get a dental crown, a thin layer of your tooth’s enamel is removed to make room for the crown. Whether or not crowns are suitable for you depends on your specific needs. If your teeth match the conditions listed in the section “Who needs dental crowns”, then crowns could be a good choice for you.  

The table above shows the average cost of dental crowns made from different materials. The cost averages between 100-200 Euro per tooth for Zirconia and Porcelain fused to metal. If you are recommended 12 dental crowns, you can expect an estimated price of 2600-3000 Euros for zirconium  (zirconia) crowns and 2000-2500 euros for porcelain fused to metal. Cayra Clinic offers all-inclusive packages including hotel accommodation, transportation and all medical fees. 

Dental crowns can be used for dental implants or bridges, which are two different types of dental procedures. Whether or not you should get a crown depends on the health and structure of your teeth. 

You can get a free quote to determine if you need dental crowns at an affordable price with Cayra Clinic. Our expert dentists will determine the best solutions for you based on your desires and budget.   

Crowns may be more invasive than other procedures. If you don’t require dental crowns, there are alternative procedures available to restore your teeth. 

Some alternatives to dental crowns include:

The step-by-step dental crown procedure in Turkey

The full procedure at Cayra Clinic is around 6 days using efficient high-tech facilities. In many other countries such as in the US, the procedure can take up to 3 weeks.   

Dental crowns procedure steps:   

  • Preparation of the teeth (1st Day)
  • Impressions (1st Day)
  • Temporary Crowns  (1st Day) 
  • Permanent Crowns (2nd, 3rd or 4th Day)
  • Checkups (5th Day) 

(***Individual schedules may different depending on your particular needs***)

Step 1 – Dental Crown Preparation.  

Most things have a long life span when preparations are done. The same goes for dental crowns. The teeth are thoroughly cleaned to ensure cavities do not form after the permanent crown is placed.

After cleaning, a thin layer of enamel is expertly removed from the surface of the teeth. This ensures that the crown tightly fits over the tooth,  (important when biting).

Step 2 – Impressions.

Once all preparations are done, a mould (impressions) is made to take the shape of the prepped teeth. The impressions are used in our Dental laboratory to create the permanent dental crowns and the temporary teeth.  Permanent crowns can take 1-3 days at the Cayra Clinic laboratory. 

Step 3 – Temporary Teeth.

Temporary Crowns are placed on the prepared teeth for protection when biting and chewing while the permanent crowns are being prepared. Temporary crowns are made from acrylic which is not durable for long-term usage.   

Step 4 –Permanent Crowns   

Permanent crowns are made in 1-3 days at Cayra Clinic while maintaining the highest quality standards. Once ready, the temporary crowns are easily removed, and the teeth are cleaned with residual glue. The crowns are then test-fitted. If adjustments are needed, dentists carefully and precisely shape the crowns to match your bite. This step requires skilled and experienced dentists. 

After shaping, the crowns are attached to the teeth with dental glue (dental cement)  which is a special bonding agent. A UV light is used to harden the glue ensuring that the crowns remain intact for a long time. The dentists may continue to refine the crowns and check your bite level to ensure a perfect fit.  

Additionally, the permanent crowns can be shaped to match your specific desires such as adding sharp “shark” teeth or fangs.   


Dental Crowns Before and After

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last:  

The dental crowns are durable and can last anywhere between 15-30 years depending on the material used. 

However, good care and maintenance are required to conserve the lifespan of your dental treatment.  

Tips to look after and maintain dental crowns.  

Firstly, it’s important to avoid clenching or grinding your teeth. This can lead to chipping or cracking of the crown. If you grind your teeth regularly, it is recommended to wear a night guard while sleeping to protect your natural teeth and crowns. 

Additionally, maintaining good dental hygiene practices, such as brushing twice a day and daily flossing, is essential. Make sure not to forget the area around the crown, especially along the gum line. Bacteria build up along the gum line may cause tooth decay behind the crown.   

To keep your dental crowns in good condition, it’s best to avoid biting or chewing on hard objects like ice, toffees, hard candies, or even your fingernails. 

Lastly, attending regular dental cleaning and checkup appointments ensures that your dentist can promote the overall health of your dental restoration. Visit your dentists two times a year minimum.  


How Long Does It Take for Dental Crowns to Feel Normal?  

Adjusting to your new dental crown usually takes about 3-7 days, as your mouth adapts to the change. Sensitivity and mild discomfort may be apparent for 1-2. The amount of sensitivity and discomfort is based on how much work is done on your teeth and how your body reacts to it. 


How Do I Know When My Dental Crown Needs Replacing?

The amount of wear on a crown is unique to each individual and, though porcelain crowns are durable, they are not indestructible. A crown needs to be replaced if it is chipped or cracked. Allowing a damaged crown to remain in your mouth can increase the chances of decay forming under the crown.

Though a crown itself cannot decay, cavities can still form underneath if proper oral hygiene routines are not maintained. Depending on the condition of the crown and extent of the decay, a replacement crown could be necessary.

If this decay is not taken care of properly, the tooth might require a root canal. An imbalanced bite, or a crown that was not expertly made and fitted to your bite, could be a reason why a crown would fail earlier than expected. This is one of the most common causes of crown failure.

Frequently Asked Questions.

What are the disadvantages of dental crowns in Turkey?

The biggest disadvantage of dental crowns is that they are a permanent solution. However, they are a better long-term option compared to other methods.

Are dental dental crowns in Turkey a good idea?

Dental crowns are a great option for patients in Turkey. They are very durable and can be used for a long time. If a tooth has lost substance, delaying treatment can result in the risk of losing the tooth. By using dental crowns, the life of the tooth can be extended, allowing patients to use it for a long time. Therefore, dental crowns are an excellent choice for patients looking for a long-lasting solution to their dental problems.

Can dental crowns in Turkey fall off?

It is possible to break dental crowns, mainly from external factors such as falling and impact. However, there may also be issues with the teeth or the crown itself that can cause it to fall off. This is a rare occurrence and may happen due to errors during the application of the crown or problems with the underlying natural tooth. If you experience any such problems, you can consult your dentist to have the crown replaced with a new one.

How do you clean under a dental crown in Turkey?

We advise our patients to prevent plaque formation by regularly brushing their teeth and flossing. Proper flossing technique involves passing the floss between the gum line and moving it in that area. By following this technique and regularly brushing teeth, plaque formation around the crown can be easily prevented.

How do I know if my tooth crown is infected?

If there is swelling, redness, tenderness and pain around the tooth crown, you can understand that there is an infection in the tooth under the crown. However, this happens when patients fail to go to their doctor for a checkup or when they do not care about their teeth. Whereas, with regular physician controls and oral hygiene, it will be very rare to encounter such a situation.

What happens if a tooth crown breaks?

When the dental crowns are broken, it is necessary to go to your dentist at Cayra Clinic in Turkey for immediate treatment. Because of the fracture of the crown, the tooth and root will be sensitive to air, heat and cold. Therefore, if you do not want to experience this situation for a long time, you should consult a dentist without waiting too long.

The Disadvantages of Dental Crowns – Risks and Concerns  

Dental crowns, while beneficial in many ways, do have some disadvantages. At Cayra Clinic, our dentists prioritize proficiency and attention to detail to reduce potential complications. 

  1. Tooth Sensitivity: Some patients may experience discomfort after the procedure, specifically sensitivity to hot or cold. Sensitivity can last for up to 2 weeks. 
  2. Pain When Biting Down: This is most often caused by the crown being too high and obstructing the teeth on the opposite side. Your dentist will check your bite level and adjust it. 
  3. Chipping or loosening: The crown may chip when eating hard foods, and sticky toffees can loosen it. Avoiding these foods and being cautious when eating hard and chewy foods is important. 
  4. Falling Off: Crowns rarely come out because of improper fit or insufficient cement.
  5. Allergic Reactions: Rarely, an allergic reaction may occur to porcelain or one of the metals used to form the crown. If you are allergic to certain metals, zirconia crowns can be used as an alternative. 
  6. Cost: Depending on you’re the material of choice and your budget, crowns may be expensive. Dental crowns in Turkey are up to 60-70% cheaper compared to having them done in the US or EU while keeping the same level or even higher quality and care. 

Why Choose Cayra Clinic In Turkey For Your Dental Crowns?

Cayra Clinic in Turkey has extensive experience in providing patients with high-quality dental treatment at an affordable price. By travelling to Turkey for dental treatment, patients can receive treatment that is tailored to their needs and budget. Whether you need to straighten crowded teeth, close gaps, improve your smile line, or replace missing teeth, our dental team and technology can achieve amazing results in a short amount of time.

Our clinics are located in Istanbul and Antalya, and we use the latest technologies to ensure that your dental crowns are of the highest quality. Our qualified dentists at Cayra Clinic in Turkey are highly skilled in handling clients from abroad. Our friendly staff is fluent in English, so you can communicate with them comfortably.

We offer the same level of service as other developed countries but at a lower price. So why spend extra money? Visit Cayra Clinic in Turkey today and you will be happy with the results of your dental crowns.