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Gastric Band Surgery

Gastric band surgery in Turkey, available at the professional and experienced Carya Clinic in Istanbul and Antalya, is a popular weight loss surgery option that can help people with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or more, or those with a BMI of 30 to 40 who have other health conditions, to lose weight and improve their overall health. The gastric band, also known as lap banding or restrictive weight loss surgery, is a soft and adjustable silicone band that is placed around the top of the stomach, creating an egg timer shape that restricts food passage. The doctors at Carya Clinic are skilled at performing gastric band surgery in Turkey, which is a safe and effective option for those looking to change their eating habits and lose weight. The cost of gastric band surgery in Turkey is affordable compared to other countries, ranging between 4000 USD – 7000 USD, and is a popular choice for medical tourism.

What Are The Benefits Of A Gastric Band Surgery In Turkey?

A gastric band surgery in Turkey is considered to be the safest weight loss surgery. It’s a relatively simple low risk, minimally invasive procedure with few complications. Gastric band surgery in Turkey usually results in a shorter hospital stay (just one night), a faster recovery time (approximately one week), smaller scars and less pain than other gastric band surgery in Turkey procedures. A gastric band surgery in Turkey involves no permanent alternation to your body such as removing part of your stomach or re-routing and stapling your body. It is completely reversible and can be removed if desired. It helps you to accomplish long-term weight loss if you are committed to keeping to a new healthier lifestyle and gastric band diet. If you have obesity-related health problems such as type 2 diabetes these should also improve with your weight loss.

How Does A Gastric Band Surgery In Turkey Work?

A gastric band surgery in Turkey is placed around your upper stomach to create a small pouch of stomach above the band, with most of the stomach lying below the band. You can still drink liquids and eat small amounts of food. But you can’t eat lots of food in one go. When you eat, the small pouch fills up quickly, so you feel full earlier than normal and for longer. This means you eat less, and eat more slowly, helping you to lose weight. Your surgeon at Cayra Clinic in Turkey can tighten or loosen your gastric band by injecting liquid into it through a port which sits just under the skin of your tummy. This affects how quickly food passes from the pouch into the lower part of your stomach. This will make sure that you steadily lose the right amount of weight. How well gastric band surgery in Turkey works depends on how well you’re able to follow a healthy lifestyle after the operation. You’ll need to change your eating habits and be more active. You also need to be careful with high-calorie drinks including alcohol because these can still pass through your gastric band.

Who Can Have A Gastric Band Surgery In Turkey?

You may be able to have gastric band surgery in Turkey if you:

  • Have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or more, or between 35 and 40 with a health condition such as diabetes or high blood pressure
  • Have already tried all other treatment options such as dieting, exercise and weight-loss medicines (as advised by your doctor at Cayra Clinic in Turkey)
  • Are generally fit enough to have a general anaesthetic and surgery
  • Are committed to long-term follow-up, including regular check-ups and making lifestyle changes
  • Are prepared to attend regular follow-up appointments

You may not be able to have gastric band if you have certain long-term health problems. These include inflammatory bowel disease, heart disease and psychological disorders. You may need to have a psychological assessment if doctors are worried about your mental health.

If you’re very overweight (obese), your GP may refer you to a specialised obesity management service that can check if surgery may help you. If gastric band surgery in Turkey may be right for you, you may be able to have it on the nhs. But this depends on whether or not it’s available in your local area. You may be able to have the surgery privately.

Are There Complications Of Gastric Band Surgery In Turkey?

Like all types of surgery, gastric band surgery in Turkey can cause some complications. These include:

  • An unexpected reaction to the anaesthetic
  • Too much bleeding
  • A blood clot

What Happens During A Gastric Band Surgery In Turkey?

Before gastric band surgery in Turkey you will be given a general anaesthetic, the procedure is performed using laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery and usually takes an hour. Your surgeon at Cayra Clinic in Turkey will make several small cuts in your stomach and insert a long, thin telescope with a light and camera lens at one end, called a laparoscope, through the cuts so that they can see inside. Your surgeon at Cayra Clinic in Turkey will place the gastric band around the top part of your stomach to create a small upper pouch. The band is kept in place by folding some of your lower stomach over the band and stitching it to your upper stomach pouch.

Your gastric band surgery in Turkey is connected to an injection port just under your skin via a thin piece of tubing. Your surgeon will inflate the band with sterile fluid after your operation. The injection port allows your surgeon to inflate or deflate your band and adjust the size of the opening from your upper to your lower pouch and this will control how quickly your pouch empties. Your surgeon at Cayra Clinic in Turkey will then close the cuts, usually with disposable stitches under your skin.

What Is Aftercare And Recovery For Gastric Band Surgery In Turkey?

After gastric band surgery in Turkey you will stay overnight in hospital. You will only be able to have fluids in the first few weeks. You will then progress onto soft pureed food before recommencing solid food. Your weight loss surgeon or a dietitian will discuss your diet and the exercise changes you should make for a healthier lifestyle and to help you to reach your weight loss goals. Their diet plan will include recommendations regarding your food choices and the quantities you should be consuming, this includes eating smaller meals, because your new stomach can hold only about a quarter-cup to a full cup of food at a time. It’s important to ‘listen to your band’ and how you feel when you eat different foods at different times. Your surgeon or registered dietitian will support you with any problems you experience and offer advice and tips on how to tweak your diet and eating habits.

You may need pain relief and you can take over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. You will need to attend follow up appointments including gastric band surgery in Turkey adjustments, gastric bands need to be adjusted on average of four to six times in the first year after surgery. It often takes several adjustments to find the right level of restriction. Your stomach needs to heal from surgery before the first fill so this won’t be until six weeks after surgery. In addition to your regular hospital appointments to ensure everything is going well and you have adequate nutrition. Most people take around two weeks to recover from gastric band surgery. Aftercare is included within your treatment price and you will have access to a range of specialists at Cayra Clinic in Turkey and information to help you with your aftercare and support.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a gastric band surgery in Turkey cost?

The typical cost of gastric band surgery in Turkey is between 1000 and 1500 Euros

Is a gastric band surgery in Turkey right for me?

You may be eligible if:

  • Your BMI (Body Mass Index) score is 40 or more
  • Your bmi is 35 or more and you have other medical conditions such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure that may be improved by losing weight.
  • You are fit enough to have a general anaesthetic and surgery.
  • You are committed to losing weight and maintaining your weight loss through lifestyle and diet changes.
  • You are prepared to attend regular follow-up and band-adjustment appointments.

Typically, you’ll also need to demonstrate that you have tried to lose weight in other ways such as eating healthily, exercising and taking relevant medicines, for at least six months and this hasn’t worked. A gastric band surgery in Turkey may be best suited to you if you want the safest weight loss surgery with the lowest risk and serious complications and a fast recovery. A gastric band surgery in Turkey is the least invasive gastric surgery and can offer a reversible change to your stomach size that can help you to modify your diet and lifestyle forever.

Are there complications and side effects of gastric band surgery in Turkey?

You may experience some side effects such as bruising, pain and swelling around your wounds and vomiting or feeling sick after eating, especially if you try to eat too much. Try to chew your food well, eat smaller portions and carefully choose the foods you eat. Possible complications of any operation include: bleeding or a blood clot, pain and wound infection.

Can I have my gastric band removed?

If your gastric band is causing problems or you don’t want it anymore, you can have it taken out. But you may put the weight back on if you don’t have another weight-loss procedure. For more information, see our section on complications of gastric band surgery in Turkey.

How much weight can you lose with a gastric band surgery in Turkey?

Everyone loses a different amount of weight. This may depend on what you’re eating and how much exercise you’re doing after your gastric band surgery in Turkey. For more information, see our section on what to expect afterwards.

Can I get pregnant if i have a gastric band surgery in Turkey?

You can get pregnant after having a gastric band surgery in Turkey. But it’s best to wait at least a year or so, until you have reached a stable weight, before you try for a baby.

Why Should I Have My Gastric Band Surgery In Turkey?

Many patients are looking at ways to help them lose weight dramatically. This means private hospitals can really charge what they like as people feel like they have run out of options and have nowhere else to turn. Gastric band surgery in Turkey can be affordable for many especially those who are on low budget to have the gastric band surgery in Turkey. The cost of gastric band surgery in Turkey is up to 70% less than the UK. That means you can save thousands of pounds just by travelling to Turkey. The procedure is exactly the same using the same products adhering to all medical standards required. Also surgeons Cayra Clinic in Turkey are extremely well qualified and experienced. Many being the leading surgeons in their field. Gastric band surgery in Turkey prices vary from clinic to clinic. Some clinics may have higher running costs or other business fees. This might mean they increase their prices in general to take into account these extra costs. Also other clinics or hospitals may have charitable backing or government funding meaning they can offset some of the cost to the patient. All these and many more factors can increase or decrease the gastric band pricing for weight loss surgery worldwide.

Why Cayra Clinic In Turkey For You Gastric Band Surgery?

Cayra Clinic in Turkey is here to help facilitate that change which you seek with a flawless gastric band surgery. Our patients can access savings of up to 70% when compared with UK bariatric clinic prices. Your dedicated Cayra Clinic medical care team representative will take you through the whole process. From introducing you to the procedure to booking you in for your free consultation. At your free consultation you will speak to a fully qualified surgeon with years of experience. Their expertise and guidance will be available for you to ask as many questions as you need. You will be assessed and a plan will be made specially designed for just you! This will include the treatment you require that will be best suited to your individual needs. Ar Cayra Clinic in Turkey, we have clinics in Istanbul and Antalya in Turkey equipped with the latest technologies to give the best results for your gastric band surgery in Turkey.

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