
Strabismus Surgery

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Strabismus Surgery in Antalya, Turkey addresses a condition in which both eyes do not look at the same place simultaneously. This condition typically occurs in individuals with poor eye muscle control or significant far-sightedness. Six muscles are attached to each eye, controlling its movement. These muscles receive signals from the brain that direct their actions.

Under normal circumstances, the eyes work together to focus on the same point. However, when issues with eye movement control arise, one eye may turn inward, outward, upward, or downward. This misalignment may occur constantly or only when the individual is tired, unwell, or has engaged in prolonged reading or close-up tasks. In some cases, the same eye may consistently turn, while in others, the eyes may alternate in turning.

What Is Strabismus?

Strabismus is a misalignment of the eyes in children and adults. When the eyes are out of alignment, one eye or the other is not used at any given moment, which impairs visual attention, depth perception, and motor skills. Misalignment of the eyes can also cause bothersome double vision.

What Is Strabismus Surgery In Antalya, Turkey?

Strabismus Surgery in Antalya, Turkey, is a surgery to correct strabismus (eye misalignment) or nystagmus (eye wiggling). The surgery involves moving one or more of the eye muscles to adjust the position of the eye or eyes. Before recommending surgery, your ophthalmologist will carefully consider correction through patching therapy, eyeglasses, or prisms. Eye drops are occasionally used before or after surgery but can never correct eye alignment on a long-term basis. Strabismus Surgery in Antalya, Turkey, can be performed in children as young as four months and is an essential option for older children and adults. It’s better to perform surgery as early as possible because the brain circuits for binocular vision (using the two eyes together) are most adaptable at a young age. Strabismus Surgery in Antalya, Turkey, can still be performed in older children and adults, as these brain circuits continue to have some adaptability.

At Cayra Clinic, we specialize in providing exceptional care for strabismus surgery patients. Read more about our commitment to excellence on the About Us page.

What Are The Causes & Risk Factors Of Strabismus Surgery In Antalya, Turkey?

Strabismus can be caused by problems with the eye muscles, the nerves that transmit information to the muscles, or the control center in the brain that directs eye movements. It can also develop due to other general health conditions or eye injuries.

Risk factors for developing strabismus include:

  • Family history. People with parents or siblings who have strabismus are more likely to develop it.
  • Refractive error. People with a significant amount of uncorrected farsightedness (hyperopia) may develop strabismus because of the additional eye focusing they must do to keep objects clear.
  • Medical conditions. People with conditions such as Down syndrome and cerebral palsy or who have suffered a stroke or head injury are at a higher risk for developing strabismus.

Many types of strabismus can develop in children or adults, but the two most common forms are below.

When Do I Need Strabismus Surgery In Istanbul, Turkey?

If you notice any of these symptoms, you need Strabismus Surgery in Istanbul, Turkey. Symptoms of strabismus include:

  • Eyes that look misaligned.
  • Eyes that do not move together.
  • Frequent blinking or squinting, especially in bright sunlight.
  • Tilting the head to look at things.
  • Faulty depth perception
  • Double vision

Can Strabismus Be Prevented?

Strabismus cannot be prevented, but its implications can be prevented if detected early enough. At a minimum, children should be screened for eye health before six months of age and between 3 and 5 years.

What Am I Expected To Do Before Strabismus Surgery In Istanbul, Turkey?

On the night before Strabismus Surgery in Antalya, Turkey, don’t have food or milk after midnight. Medicines may be taken with sips of water. O ly apple juice and water may be taken up to three hours before admission.

How Is Strabismus Surgery In Istanbul, Turkey Performed?

The anesthesia doctor may order a preoperative oral sedative. A young child will be put to sleep within seconds by breathing gas from a mask held near their face. An intravenous (IV) line and a breathing tube (endotracheal tube) are placed only after the patient is asleep, and the breathing tube is removed before they are fully awake. Children aged 13 or older who are not unduly frightened may be given an IV line of sedatives beforehand. The anesthesiologist may slightly alter the routine depending on a patient’s unique needs or medical condition.

After the patient is fully asleep, several eye muscles (usually on both eyes) are repositioned using microsurgery. Using special instruments, we rotate the eye to make the incision in the thin covering over the white eye without taking the eye out of the head. We can’t use lasers on the eye muscles because they destroy the muscle tissue. We’ll use tiny stitches to reposition the muscles based on measurements obtained during office visits and while your child is asleep. N  stitches must be removed; when the muscle is healed, the synthetic stitches absorb themselves.

How Long Does The Strabismus Surgery In Antalya, Turkey Take?

Strabismus Surgery in Antalya, Turkey, is usually completed within an hour, although this may vary from 30 minutes to 90 minutes, depending on the case’s complexity. Immediately after the surgery, your doctor at Cayra Clinic will explain all the follow-up processes.

Who Is The Right Doctor For Strabismus Surgery In Turkey?

The right doctor to consult for Strabismus Surgery in Antalya, Turkey, is an ophthalmologist at Cayra Clinic in Turkey.

What is the usual success rate for this strabismus surgery in Antalya, Turkey?

The success rate for Strabismus Surgery in Antalya, Turkey, varies between 88-96%.

How Much Does A Strabismus Surgery In Antalya, Turkey Cost?

The cost of Strabismus Surgery in Antalya or Istanbul ranges from $1250 to $2000. The price can change depending on the patient’s condition.

Are There Complications For Strabismus Surgery In Antalya, Turkey?

Mild discomfort from the surgery, including mild nausea, is common. The nurses will treat any discomfort with appropriate medication. Most patients are discharged within two to three hours after Strabismus Surgery in Antalya, Turkey. Therefore, this is not a severe complication.

Do I Need Glasses After The Strabismus Surgery In Antalya, Turkey?

Glasses may be worn immediately following Strabismus Surgery. The surgery does not change the prescription of glasses to any appreciable degree. However, if glasses have prisms in them prior to surgery, then glasses without prisms should be acquired for use immediately after. C contact lenses are generally not comfortable for approximately two weeks following the Strabismus Surgery in Antalya, Turkey procedures.

What Is The Recovery Process For Strabismus Surgery In Antalya, Turkey?

You, your child, or a family member will go directly from the operating room to a recovery area, where constant monitoring continues under the observation of anesthesia and nursing staff until patients awake. Rents or family (generally one member) may be invited to be in the recovery room, although they are usually reunited in the so-called step-down recovery area. Eating tubes are removed in the operating or recovery rooms; either is appropriate and safe. T hereafter, patients are moved to a step-down‖ area where family joins in the continuing awakening and recovery process. They are generally removed in this area after oral liquids are taken. Ear liquids are offered at this time. Popsicles are a popular option for children. There should be no excessive concern about rubbing the eyes. Ing so will be uncomfortable, and even children will not harm themselves or what was done in the surgery once they have entirely emerged from anesthesia. Cool, moist washcloth over the eyes is generally soothing.

Why Choose Cayra Clinic In Antalya, Turkey, For Your Strabismus Surgery?

Cayra Clinic in Turkey is committed to maintaining a clean and safe environment for our patients and staff.   The care team members are vigilant about their health and will stay home if they are ill. We ask that our patients and parents do the same if they are experiencing cold or flu-like symptoms. While in our offices in Antalya and Istanbul, masks are no longer required but certainly welcomed and encouraged. You must be comfortable continuing to receive care through our organization. We will do everything we can to keep you and your family safe. B ok, an appointment with Cayra Clinic in Turkey for your Strabismus Surgery now, and you will be glad you did.

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