
Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon

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Image of the Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon, a non-surgical weight loss solution that helps patients achieve their weight loss goals. The balloon is swallowed like a pill and then filled with a safe and sterile gas to create a feeling of fullness and reduce hunger. At our medical facility, we offer personalized weight loss plans that include the Elipse Balloon as a non-invasive option for patients seeking to lose weight without surgery. Our experienced medical team provides comprehensive care and support to our patients throughout their weight loss journey. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help you achieve your weight loss goals with the Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon.

Elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey is one of the most popular non-surgical operations around the world because it enables people, who have just excessive fat, to lose weight without surgery. It is also known as a elipse swallowable gastric balloon. Many people are very confused about what to do after deciding to have an ellipse balloon. Actually, you just need to find the best clinic or doctor for you, and that is why you should choose Cyara Clinic in Turkey for your elipse swallowable gastric balloon. Our health professionals will guide you through this journey. Besides, people have choosen to have elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey due to price affordability and doctor quality.

Turkey is one of the best countries to get the best elipse swallowable gastric balloon results for people who want to have this operation abroad. At Cayra Clinic, our specialists are very professional and experienced. Also, the prices are very attractive compared to other countries. The average cost of an elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey is 2000-3000 Euros which is a cheap option compared to abroad.

What Is An Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon In Turkey?

One of the most significant barriers to weight loss is not feeling satisfied with small portions. The objective of elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey is to take up space in your stomach and add to your fullness more rapidly with fewer portions. As a result, numerous stomach occupying balloon have been produced. One of these balloons is the elipse or swallowable balloon. The key difference between it and other gastric balloons is that it does not require an endoscopic procedure or anaesthesia for insertion and removal. Because it is a new gen balloon, the material quality has been improved.

Who Can Have Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon In Turkey?

The elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey is a weight loss aid for adults over the age of 18 who are overweight or obese, as defined by a BMI of +27. If you are significantly overweight and have a history of failed dieting attempts, the swallowable gastric balloon will give you the time you need to gain a healthy eating habit during its placement in your stomach. And as the elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey procedure offers the great advantages of no endoscopy, no surgery, no balloon removal, and returning to normal life directly after the procedure.

Elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey is very suitable for patients who are at risk of undergoing surgical procedures, or patients who avoiding any surgical procedure, and patients who have anesthesia concerns. Moreover, if your BMI is greater than 27, you are more likely to be eligible for other gastric treatments. If you have never had stomach surgery and are looking for an alternative method to change your eating habits, we offer other options that are tailored to each patient’s specific situation at Cayra Clinic in Turkey. Dont hesitate to get in touch with us.

How Is Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon In Turkey Applied?

The application of elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey is the moderation of gastric balloon surgery that provides easy and effective weight loss treatment, that reduces food intake due to the space occupied by the stomach where the balloon-like material is placed in the stomach. Unlike traditional gastric balloons, requirements have been used in the treatment of obesity in the past. Elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey is performed by an experienced surgeon at Cayra Clinic in a 20-min outpatient visit without endoscopy or anesthesia.

The balloon is compressed into a swallowable capsule connected to a thin catheter, through which then the balloon is filled with 550 ML amount of liquid after it reaches the stomach. After the filling and once the correct position of the balloon is confirmed via an abdominal x-ray, the doctor will remove the thin catheter. At approximately 4 months, a valve in the elipse balloon spontaneously opens, the balloon empties, and it is then excreted through the gastrointestinal tract. A thin guidewire acting as a stylet (to slightly stiffen the catheter) may be used in case of difficulty swallowing.

Is The Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon In Turkey Worth It?

Elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey is an endoscopic treatment option that applies to losing weight. But weight loss does not occur long-term in most individuals. A elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey is a process of inserting a silicone balloon into the stomach of patients. This method is applied before making heavy interventions in bariatric surgery. It is considered a kind of preliminary or first step. Its main goal is to make patients lose weight thanks to the balloon placed in the stomach of patients. It also does this by making them satiate more quickly with fewer portions. You should consult with your doctor at Cayra Clinic in Turkey before deciding on this.

What Are The Possible Risks Of Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon In Turkey?

After the elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey is attached, depending on how much the patients adhere to the surgeon’s instruction, complaints such as vomiting and nausea may occur due to the balloon’s recent placement in the stomach. However, vomiting and nausea complaints that can be seen in all patients usually end within 2-3 days. Although rare, these complaints can continue in the long term. Bleeding problems can be experienced when the ellipse balloon is inserted or when the ellipse balloon is removed, depending on the experience of the experts. Elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey can cause abdominal pain in some patients. And also it may cause a digestive effect.

What Is Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon Cost In Turkey?

If you want to get rid of excess fat, elipse swallowable gastric balloon cost in Turkey will surely suit you. However, this type of surgery can be expensive, so it is important to know that the cost is lower in Turkey than in the UK. While the procedure is relatively easy to perform in Turkey, there are a few things you should consider before going for it. First of all, you should find the right doctor and clinic (Cayra Clinic in Turkey), otherwise, you may end up wasting your money.

Compared to the uk, the cost of the ellipse balloon procedure in turkey is between $2000 and $2500, which is considerably lower than in the UK.

Will Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon In Turkey Last Forever?

A gastric inflatable capsule is a gastric balloon which is inflated into your stomach and helps limit the amount of food you can eat for up to 16 weeks. The stomach inflatable from (elipse) is one of the world’s most popular gastric balloons. In contrast to other balloons swallowing the balloon capsule places it in the stomach. It is placed and removed without the use of anesthetic, endoscopy, or surgery. The balloon is inserted outpatient for 20 minutes under your doctor’s supervision. The balloon deflates and passes normally in the stool after about 16 weeks. A second visit is not required to remove the balloon.

In the elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey procedure, you swallow a capsule, and it stays in your stomach. Its duration is up to four months. So, it is not infinite as you think. Because it will meet your needs for this long. In this four-month period, you will be able to regain your fit appearance by losing the weight you need to lose. In this way, mirrors will start to look more attractive to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the recovery process after elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey?

There is no such thing as a recovery period after elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey. There are no complications or even side effects. A return to normal life is experienced within 1-2 days after settlement. Some patients may experience nausea or vomiting in the first days, or abdominal cramps, but this situation is temporary.

What are the average prices elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey?

The price of elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey varies by type. In the elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey, an additional removal fee is also charged. However, the best part of the ellipse gastric balloon is that there is no need for a separate procedure for removal, which prevents an extra charge. The price of elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey is $2500 at maximum.

How much weight can you lose with elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey?

The amount of weight you lose will depend on how closely you follow your diet and adopt the long-term lifestyle changes. Averages weight loss (at the end of treatment) of 10 kg to 15 kg are reported with elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey.

How long does elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey last?

Ellipse balloon lasts 4 months at least.

Is elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey FDA approved?

Elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey is FDA approved.

What can I eat with an elipse balloon?

You need to follow diet rules given to you by your surgeon at Cayra Clinic in Turkey and have healthy eating habits.

Are elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey safe?

Elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey are FDA-approved and have been around for over 20 years. The placement and removal does not involve surgery and can be done in a brief, minimally-invasive procedure under IV sedation. Should a balloon rupture (an extremely rare event), it wouldn’t be harmful in any form.

Are there any side effects from elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey?

Initially, the placement of the balloon can cause nausea. This is a very normal reaction, and in most patients it passes quickly. Our surgeon at Cayra Clinic in Turkey typically prescribes medication to counteract any nausea that might occur.

What happens elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey?

After your balloon passes, the allurion program and the support from your healthcare team at Cayra Clinic in Turkey continue. This is to help you consolidate your new lifestyle habits and focus on keeping the weight off.

How quickly can I travel after my elipse swallowable gastric balloon in Turkey?

There is no medical reason why you couldn’t fly immediately after your procedure but the reality is that you wait for a few days until your feelings of nausea subside. Being cooped up on a plane when you’re feeling / being sick won’t be any fun for you (or your fellow passengers). Once these symptoms have subsided, you can fly as soon and as regularly as you wish. At Cayra Clinic in Turkey, our only advice is that if you are planning a trip abroad that will last longer than a month or to a non-third world country where access to medical care would be limited, you may be better to wait to have your procedure until you return.

Which Choose Cayra Clinic for your Elipse Swallowable Gastric Balloon?

In short, Turkey is the cheapest country for elipse balloon procedure because clinic in istanbul, the world’s most famous tourism and medical tourism destination, has been providing patients from all over the world with a variety of weight-loss surgeries and cosmetic procedures at the most affordable prices compared to the united kingdom and other countries, including elipse swallowable gastric balloon procedure.

Turkey is the perfect spot to go for your elipse swallowable gastric balloon if you’re searching for non-surgical weight-loss treatment and want to travel around the world while recovering. At Cayra Clinic in Turkey, our clinics in Istanbul and Antalya not only provides excellent medical care in a variety cosmetic surgeries and plastic surgeries, but it also has a wealth of historic sites and tourist attractions to visit during your recovery. Our expert surgeons at Cayra Clinic in Turkey believe that plastic and cosmetic surgeries are a deeply personal decision that aims to boost your confidence. We are simply here to help you see your own beauty. At Cayra Clinic in Turkey, we have created a affordable medical service options, while making sure we offer innovative and minimally-invasive procedures that don’t much disrupt your lifestyle. Contact us now and you will be glad you did!