
What to do after a Brazilian butt lift

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Follow these crucial dos and don’ts after your Brazilian butt lift to minimize complications and maximize your results. A

A Brazilian butt lift is a cosmetic procedure that usually includes a specialized fat transfer to augment the size and shape of the butt without the use of implants. The plastic surgeon injects excess fat from the hips, lower back, abdomen, and or thighs into the buttocks. There are several things patients can do to help support recovery and speed up recovery time.

What to expect post-procedure.

  • Fluid draining: You may notice blood-stained fluid oozing from the incisions where the fat was removed during the procedure. However, this should not be a bother, as this will stop almost 24 hours post-op.
  • Swelling: There is usually some form of swelling or asymmetry of the buttocks after the procedure. This should not be a cause for concern because after the procedure, some of the injected fats will eventually be digested as normal fat calories, and the retained fat will be left.

Things to do after a Brazilian butt lift.

  • Wear a compression garment. After the surgery, your surgeon will provide you with a stretchy garment that you will use to support the waist and hips during your recovery period. This compression garment helps to hold the transplanted fat in place. The major aim of this compression garment is to strategically reduce the swelling while helping to conform to post-liposuction sculpting.
  • Light exercises. Taking gentle walks twice a day will help in boosting healthy circulations throughout the body, including your butt, reducing the swelling and also promoting it’s As time goes on, you can gradually increase your distance and pace and enjoy the health benefits of walking.
  • Be patient. The first three weeks after the surgery are the most critical stage for the transplanted fat cells to establish themselves. Your ability to play your own part during this healing period will help with a definitive result. Remember to have realistic expectations.

Some ways to maximize the Brazilian butt lift results.

There are some things that patients need to consider after a butt lift surgery to be able to maximize the results.

  • Sleep correctly: ensure to sleep on your stomach for at leasttwo2 months after the surgery, and find creative ways to avoid sleeping on your butt.
  • Exercise 8 weeks post-op: Avoid strenuous activity for about two months, after which you can work out to pump fresh nutrient-rich blood to the buttocks area.
  • Stay hydrated: with lots of fluids that contain electrolytes, salt,s and minerals to help the body recover faster.
  • Maintain a stable weight: losing weight after the surgery should be propionate to every part of the body, variations can lead to negative results.

One of the major turns off with the Brazilian butt lift is the post-care requirements. The Brazilian butt lift has become a prevalent procedure amongst other procedures, but the lasting results of it depend on the aftercare of the surgery.