Buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey is essentially cheek reduction surgery in which, as the name suggests, the buccal fat is removed. The buccal fat pad sits just under your cheek bones and consists of tissue and lobules of fat. Buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey can be performed on men and women and is a good antidote for those with ‘chipmunk’ cheeks or over-sized jowls. The end result should give your face better proportions leaving it looking thinner and more sculpted. Although it’s typically performed on those in their mid-20s to 40s, the only age requirement is that you are 18+. Buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey is deemed inappropriate for patients past their 40s as by this time we all start to naturally loose fat around our faces.
The buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey procedure can be performed along side other operations, such as a nose job, facelift or liposuction, but is generally a stand alone treatment. Buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey should take around an hour to 90 minutes, again dependant on the individual in question. It will generally be performed under light sleep sedation or general anaesthetic (both through an IV). However regional or local anaesthetic administered orally is a possible option.
Who Is A Good Candidate For Buccal Fat Removal Surgery In Turkey?
- You are negatively affected by the look of your plump cheeks
- You have realistic goals about the operation, you are physically active and at a normal bmi.
- You are a nondrinker and nonsmoker
Once you contact your surgeon at Cayra Clinic in Turkey for a discussion, our expert surgeon will analyze you and tell you if you’re a suitable candidate for buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey. Also, bear in mind that it’s critical to be entirely honest about your medical and psychiatric history when questioned. Lying or omitting critical information might actually be harmful and cause health issues.
What Are The Benefits Of Buccal Fat Removal Surgery In Turkey?
Buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey results are permanent so it is important to keep in mind that the individuals with thin features must avoid getting under cheek reduction surgery.
The benefits include:
- Buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey provides a slimmer face with more defined cheeks,
- Since the incisions are hidden inside the mouth there will be no visible scarring after cheek fat removal surgery,
- As we mentioned the results are permanent and as the fat cells removed you will never gain weight to the face.
- Performing buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey is a comfortable surgery with short downtime and fast recovery period.
How Much Does Buccal Fat Removal Surgery Cost In Turkey?
In Turkey, buccal fat removal surgery costs ranges between 1000 – 3000 Euros. The average price is 1500. Surgery, accommodation, transfers, transportation, and consultation fees are included to the prices given.
How Is Buccal Fat Removal Surgery In Turkey Performed?
A buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey procedure takes about 45 minutes, performed under local anesthesia, sedation or general anesthesia. Your doctor will recommend the best anesthesia choice for you. Buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey starts with the anesthesia administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure. Your surgeon at Cayra Clinic in Turkey will do an incision about a half-inch long, on the inside of the mouth, on the inner portion of your cheek. Your surgeon at Cayra Clinic in Turkey will remove the the fat pad through those incisions. The last step is closing the incisions. All the incisions will be inside the mouth and it is important not to play with the sutures with the tongue.
Is Buccal Fat Removal Surgery In Turkey A Painful Procedure?
Buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey is performed under a type of anesthesia. As the cheeks are fully numb from the anesthesia, the individuals will not feel any pain. After the surgery the individuals may experience pain and discomfort that can be controlled by pain medications. It is recommended to apply ice after the surgery to reduce swelling and pain. Buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey itself shouldn’t be painful: your cheeks should be fully numb from the anesthesia. If you don’t feel fully numb as your surgeon at Cayra Clinic in Turkey begins the procedure, let them know immediately, so they can administer additional local anesthesia. Any discomfort you feel during recovery will likely be mild, but it can be alleviated with ice and over-the-counter pain medication like tylenol. If pain is a major concern, talk with your provider about prescription pain medication for the first few days of your recovery.
Are There Complications And Risks Of Buccal Fat Removal Surgery In Turkey?
Buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey is relatively a risk-free, short-term, simple procedure with satisfactory results. An expert surgeon at Cayra Clinic in Turkey will perform the buccal fat removal surgery flawlessly. The complication risk is very low but as with any surgery, there’s a risk of infection and bleeding which are usually temporary.
How Long Will It Take To Recover From Buccal Fat Removal Surgery In Turkey?
Depending on what kind of job you do, you should be able to return to work 3 days to a week after your buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey. This kind of time-scale will apply to any desk jobs that don’t require too much talking. Any more active jobs may require further healing time. This, of course, should be discussed with your surgeon at Cayra Clinic in Turkey before you agree to undergo the procedure. You will be prohibited from any kind of exercise for around 3 weeks after your operation and for several weeks it will be very important that you do not raise your blood pressure as this can slow-down the healing process. This means that for 6 weeks, or more, you will be unable to participate in any vigorous activities or sports.
For the first day after your surgery you are advised not to wash your face or wear make-up, but following that you will be able to do this. For the first couple of days you will only be able to eat soft foods and for the first 2 weeks following the operation you’ll have to limit the amount you chew. Salty foods should also be avoided in order to keep swelling to a minimum. You will also need to rinse your mouth with water after eating to ensure nothing enters the incisions inside your mouth. You should expect to make at least 2 return visits after your operation. The first will be to remove sutures (unless dissolvable ones are used), around 7-10 days after your surgery, and the second will be a general check-up 3 weeks later to ensure you are able to resume normal activity and gentle exercise.
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What Should You Expect During Buccal Fat Removal Surgery In Turkey’s Recovery?
Buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey recovery takes about 3 weeks. During this period the individuals has to take care of your doctor’s directions for self-care and eating. After the cheek fat removal surgery, during the recovery time the individuals has to progress on a liquid diet for the first several days. After liquid diet you may continue with soft foods before returning to your normal diet. You should expect to experience some swelling and bruising during bichectomy recovery. This is the part recovery and, once you fully heal all will be diminished.
Can You Brush Teeth After Buccal Fat Removal Surgery In Turkey?
Yes, you can brush your teeth after buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey but you must pay attention to incision areas. The individuals has to brush their teeth genty and must not rinse the mouth.
What Is The Aftercare Of Buccal Fat Removal Surgery In Turkey?
Some people acquire more adipose tissue termed bichat in the cheek area than others. It is sometimes observed that thin people have more fat tissue. This fat accumulation on the cheeks is resistant to clearance with diet and exercise, and it is frequently passed from the parents through genetic inheritance. When desired, this adipose tissue that generates a more rounded face can be eliminated, resulting in a face with thinner and cleaner lines.
Yet, you may not know how to care yourself and here is the genius way to follow;
- To hasten your recuperation following buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey your doctor will prescribe mouthwash and antibiotics.
- The mouth should be cleaned thoroughly throughout the first week.
- During the first week, the patient should pay extra attention to his or her diet. Soft foods should be ingested instead of stiff and heated dishes.
- After buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey, the patient can return to work within a few days.
- During the first week, avoid making sudden face movements.
Is Buccal Fat Removal Surgery In Turkey Permanent?
Yes, buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey results are permanent, even if you gain weight, the buccal fat pads won’t grow back. However, weight gain can make your face look plumper as the remaining fat cells in other areas expand. This can mask your results, so it’s still a good idea to maintain a healthy weight.
When Will I See Result After Buccal Fat Removal Surgery In Turkey?
You will see your initial results in about three weeks, once most of the swelling has gone down. However, it can take as long as three or even six months to see your full results, as your skin settles into your cheek hollows.
Is It Safe To Have A Buccal Fat Removal Surgery In Turkey?
Many patients around the world choose Turkey for buccal fat removal surgery, and it is not a coincidence. Since Turkey has a solid health care system that welcomes patients from abroad, people can safely get surgery. In addition to that, surgeons at Cayra Clinic in Turkey are experts in their fields. So it is very safe to have buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey at Cayra Clinic in Turkey.
How Long Does Buccal Fat Removal Surgery In Turkey Take?
Bichectomy operation generally takes 1 to 2 hours. The tissues in the mouth can be recovered in 10 days, and the healing process may take 4 to 6 weeks on average.you must stay in Turkey for at least six days after the operation to conduct initial examinations and evaluate the results.
Will Buccal Fat Removal Surgery In Turkey Make Me Look Older?
Part of the aging process involves loss of facial volume through the atrophy of the facial fat pads. If someone already has a very slender lower face and the buccal fat is removed, this can create a gaunt appearance that can make a person look older. Additionally, someone who undergoes buccal fat reduction when they are young could notice their result become somewhat more prominent when they are much older as the other facial fat pads lose volume. In the appropriately selected patient, buccal fat reduction simply helps to achieve a balance between the facial features and provide subtle, natural, long-lasting results. Your surgeon at Cayra Clinic in Turkey will evaluate you prior to surgery to ensure that buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey is the best procedure to help you achieve your goals.
What Buccal Fat Removal Surgery In Turkey?
There are many advantages of getting buccal fat removal surgery done in Turkey. Each year millions of people visits Turkey for aesthetic surgeries. Not only the affordable prices is the reason for those who puts Turkey to the top of the list, when you travel to Turkey you will get your treatment in a-class hospital options with the top level of medical equipment. Also the experience of the Turkish doctors in the field of aesthetic surgeries are equal or higher to the worlds most famous aesthetic surgeons. Traveling to Turkey for buccal fat removal surgery is also refers to the best holiday combined with cultural and natural beauties. You may consider a vacation of sea and sun or culture and sightseeing. Flights to turkey cheap as well. You may continue your trip in five star holiday options, get the perfect treatment and unforgettable journey.
Why Should You Choose Cayra Clinic In Turkey?
A consultation with Cayra Clinic in Turkey offers a great starting point for anyone who is considering buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey. Cayra Clinic in Turkey is a globally recognized facial plastic and reconstructive clinic in Turky. Cayra Clinic in Turkey has the best surgeons who will evaluate patients’ face and listen to their plastic surgery goals. Cayra Clinic and its medical team will come up with the best surgical plan to deliver the best buccal fat removal surgery results for its patients from anywhere around the world. If you are interested in buccal fat removal surgery in Turkey, do not wait another minute and contact Cayra Clinic in Turkey today. Cayra Clinic in Turkey provides facial contouring procedures in Turkey while giving you long-lasting results that make you feel happier, prouder, and younger.
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