
Achieve your dream body with affordable and high-quality liposuction in Turkey. Learn about top clinics, experienced surgeons, and why Turkey is a leading destination for cosmetic surgery.

Body fat might be difficult to lose. Sometimes it simply won’t go away, even after working out and eating well. It can be extremely irritating and detrimental to your confidence and self-esteem when fat doesn’t respond to diet and exercise.

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure in which extra fat is suctioned out of a particular body part. It is employed to eliminate fat that cannot be eliminated with diet or exercise (for example, abdomen liposuction). Usually, the body needs to be improved in terms of appearance, proportion, and shape. If you want to lose weight quickly and get rid of local deposits, liposuction is the most sensible option (not losing weight). In a few rare instances, liposuction is performed to treat extreme obesity when it is imperative to reduce the patient’s body fat as quickly and effectively as possible since being overweight endangers the patient’s life. Liposuction is another method for removing lipomas.

At Cayra Clinic, we provide the latest cutting-edge liposuction procedures to assist you in achieving a naturally enhanced and sculpted appearance. Vaser is one of our most well-liked liposuction procedures. What kind of liposuction is best, though? To learn more, keep reading.

Who Can Get Liposuction in Turkey?

In general, liposuction is not acknowledged as a weight loss technique and is not advised as a replacement for a healthy diet and regular exercise.

You should be at or close to your optimum weight for your body to be a good candidate for liposuction.

Furthermore, you should:

The portions of your body that haven’t responded to a good diet and regular exercise are the ones that will respond best to liposuction.

Liposuction in Turkey : IS IT SAFE?

Over the past few decades, liposuction has seen a great deal of development, and the 1980s saw a substantial increase in safety.

With over 400,000 treatments performed each year, liposuction is now the most popular cosmetic surgery in the world as modern technology has only made it safer since then.

However, there are hazards involved with liposuction, just like there are with any medical surgery. Be aware that for the best liposuction outcomes, a board-certified plastic surgeon who has carefully analyzed your medical history must do the procedure.

Who should avoid having liposuction in Turkey?

The list of people who cannot have this treatment done is severely constrained by a number of contraindications.

These consist of:

Only a medical professional can definitively say whether lipoaspiration is permitted or not due to the lengthy list of contraindications.

What Kinds of Liposuction Techniques are There?

There are a surprisingly large number of liposuction variations. Technology development has led to the emergence of various liposuction methods over time.

Liposuction is frequently performed on the following areas:

Let’s examine the various liposuction procedures and what they entail.


This is the most common and traditional form of liposuction. Small incisions are made over the area to be suctioned in this kind of liposuction. Through these incisions, a hollow needle known as a cannula is inserted to suction away fat cells.

Depending on the procedure’s scope and your healing process, your recovery time could range from one to three months. The finalization of your shape can also take three to six months. However, the majority of patients recover from lipo within a few days and may resume their regular activities.

This kind of lipo can be applied to many different parts of the body, such as the arms, back, thighs, abdomen, and legs. Due to the fact that it is one of the less accurate types of liposuction, most people avoid using it for small locations, including beneath their chin.

The fact that this type of liposuction is the least expensive is its key benefit. Additionally, it is a “tried and tested” operation that many doctors are capable of performing and has been in use for a long time.

Suction lipo has a number of drawbacks as well. First off, compared to other liposuction procedures, it results in greater blood and bruises. Second, because it is more difficult to manage the removal of fat, there are more instances of lumpiness, dimpling, and other flaws. With this kind of liposuction, patients may need to undergo multiple procedures in order to achieve their desired outcomes.

One of the main drawbacks of lipo is that many patients need general anesthesia to undergo the procedure. Despite the fact that the more recent varieties of liposuction can typically be performed with only local anesthetic, many individuals must have general anesthesia for this type. This opens up a wider spectrum of potential issues and negative repercussions.


Tumescent is slang for “swollen.” Similar to regular liposuction, tumescent liposuction uses lidocaine and epinephrine to swell fat, making it easier to locate and remove. Lidocaine is a potent anesthetic and has the potential to slightly enlarge fat cells. Epinephrine is frequently used as well since it can significantly lessen bleeding by constricting blood vessels.

Fat pockets are given an anesthetic injection, which causes them to enlarge. Then, fat cells are removed using a tiny needle called a cannula that is linked to a suction equipment.

Almost any area of the body that is frequently subjected to liposuction can benefit from tumescent liposuction. In about a month, the majority of the swelling and soreness following this operation will be gone. To view your final, newly trimmed shape, however, it can take 3-6 months to recover from standard lipo.

The fact that tumescent lipo does not result in as much bleeding and bruising is one of its key benefits. It is also one of the less expensive methods for fat removal. This is typically regarded as the best liposuction technique. It does not, however, have all the technological advances and benefits of other approaches.


One of the most well-liked, less intrusive types of liposuction is vaser liposuction. It is done in a walk-in, walk-out session and involves local anesthesia. Ultrasound is used to liquefy the fat, which is subsequently extracted using a needle. The heat produced by the ultrasound breaks apart the fat cells, making it easier for your surgeon to remove them.

For the best post-procedure healing, the ultrasonic energy stimulates the skin to retract more quickly. Vaser liposuction is less intrusive than traditional liposuction and, as a result, causes less swelling and bruising. Vaser lipo requires less time to recover from than traditional liposuction, however it still takes some time.

About 40 years ago, ultrasound technology was developed. Although it is frequently used for imaging, it can also be utilized as a form of therapy.

High-frequency sound waves employed in ultrasound can generate a lot of energy in the tissues where it is directed. This has the ability to break down fat cells, making suction removal simpler.

In locations with harder fat, like the male chest, the back, the “saddlebags,” and other places where conventional liposuction may be challenging, ultrasound-assisted liposuction is frequently employed. The healing process is similar to tumescent liposuction, though some people may occasionally get blisters or burns.

One of the main benefits of ultrasound-assisted liposuction is that fibrous or other resistant fat that could ordinarily take multiple treatments can be removed more quickly. Additionally, because the fat is liquified and less likely to bleed or bruise, a higher volume of fat can be safely removed using this form of liposuction.

A few other negative aspects exist as well. Blisters and burns are more likely to form since ultrasonography does generate high intensity rays. Additionally, there is a greater likelihood of experiencing numbness and tiny blood clots. However, a lot of people believe that this kind of liposuction is the best option for them, especially if they have fibrous or otherwise more likely to be resistant fat.


While ultrasound-assisted liposuction uses ultrasound to break down fat, laser-assisted liposuction employs a laser instead. A laser probe is inserted during this process through the suction cannula. Then, to stop the bleeding and reduce pain, anesthetic and epinephrine are given into the affected area. The cannula and laser probe are then inserted after the plastic surgeon creates multiple small incisions.

Lasers effectively break down fat so that it may be evacuated through the cannula as a liquid oil. The body then absorbs any liquid fat that is not suctioned. Similar to liposuction with ultrasound assistance, healing takes around a month.

This method of fat removal has a lot of benefits. First off, because the laser fiber is so tiny, only a very small cannula is required to suction the liquefied fat. Because of this, this kind of lipo only needs very tiny incisions that heal quickly and leave no scar.

Furthermore, lasers are quite small and simple to manipulate, allowing for exceedingly accurate liposuction. Your surgeon will be able to make any necessary adjustments to give you the lovely and natural form you desire. Another benefit is that this technique is precise enough to be applied to any part of the body, including uncommon places like the face. Last but not least, lasers also tighten the skin, so many patients who get this operation discover that in addition to losing weight, their skin is tighter and more young.

Along with the benefits, there are drawbacks as well. Recovery times can be lengthier, and many patients need painkillers for several weeks before assuming their ultimate shape, which can take up to six weeks. Additionally, due to the heat that lasers produce and their high strength, there is a small but real risk of burns.


A laser-assisted kind of liposuction is called SmartLipo. However, because it employs two different frequencies, it differs from conventional laser-assisted liposuction. When sculpting is required, one is utilized to liquefy fat in such places. The other wavelength is one that is known to stimulate the creation of collagen while tightening the localized tissues and skin.

This particular kind of laser liposuction has a number of distinct benefits. First of all, compared to other methods, it tightens skin more. People who have other types of liposuction may end up with loose or drooping skin. Second, it is a lot quicker. Many people only need one treatment, and recovery times are often just a few days.

The most accurate form of liposuction available is Smart Lipo. One of the key benefits of Smart Lipo is this. People can expect a tight and flawless finish from sculpting in any area of their body, even the face. It also offers the quickest recovery period out of all liposuction procedures. Many patients only miss one to two days of work following Smart Lipo since the recovery period is so brief.

However, the drawbacks of lipo are comparable to those of laser liposuction. There are potential dangers and adverse effects with any surgery. There is always a chance of burns or blisters because lasers generate a lot of heat.

Recovery from Liposuction in Turkey

The type of liposuction you have and the amount of body fat removed will affect how long it takes for you to heal. You will probably wear a compression garment or bandages after any form of liposuction to assist with recovering. It’s typical to experience discomfort and soreness following.

You should plan on recovering from liposuction in 4 to 6 weeks. However, if you had Vaser liposuction in a tiny area, you may get back to your regular routine in just a week. You might require several weeks to heal if you had more extensive liposuction.

Which Liposuction Technique Is Best for You?

What kind of liposuction is best, then? The answer to this question, however, truly relies on a number of distinct variables. No one person can have the ideal response. Modern developments and liposuction methods are typically regarded as secure and efficient.

The following variables may affect the best type of liposuction for you:

The bottom line is that the surgeon, not the kind of liposuction, is what matters most. This is due to the fact that the ideal plastic surgeon will not only help you make a selection but also possess the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver the best possible outcomes.

Why Work with US?

As Cayra Clinic, we offer top quality materials applied by best professionals. Also the cost of liposuction in Turkey is between 1000-3000 Euros. Compare this to the UK with prices of £5000-£12000.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is liposuction cheaper in Turkey?

Yes, liposuction sessions in Turkey cost half of the prices in EU countries.

Where can I stay while waiting to have liposuction in Turkey?

You can stay in our five-star hotels. We will book your room for you before you come to Turkey.

Do doctors speak English in Turkey?

Most doctors in Turkey speak English or have an assistant to help communicate.

What are the ways of transportation in Turkey?

We pick you up from the airport with our VIP car and drive you to your hotel and then we take you to the clinic from the hotel. We also have city tours with our VIP cars included in our packages.